Building your own organism modelsTopGene prediction: filling in the formReading the output

Reading the output

Textual output

The text output simply presents the list of genes predicted with possible partial genes on the border of the sequence and possible frameshifts. For each region predicted, you can read the beginning, the end and the coding phase of the coding region predicted.

Using the first example sequence available on the web, a noisy high GC content sequence with 'N's, selecting the correct organism (Ralstonia) and a frameshift penalty of 8 (for low quality sequences), we get the following prediction:

 Start End Ph. 
    148  911   1 |
 |  912 1181  3
   1254 1387  3 > 

A first gene is predicted on phase 1, from 148 to 1181 interrupted by a predicted frameshift between position 911 and 912. Then a partial gene starts at 1254 on phase 3.

Graphical output

As an illustration, Figure * presents the graphical output obtained using the same GC rich and noisy sequence provided as example 1 on the web interface, using the correct "Ralstonia" model with default parameters and the default frameshift penalty set to 8 (for a low quality sequence).

FrameD graphical output on a sequence with a frameshift. 

We can get back to the initial page and ask for a corrected sequence and resubmit it for analyze, using the same frameshift penalty of 8 (for low quality). The corresponding graphical output is visible in Figure *.

 Start End Ph. 
  148 1182 1 
 1255 1388 1 >

No frameshift is predicted anymore.

FrameD graphical output on a sequence with a corrected frameshift. 

Building your own organism modelsTopGene prediction: filling in the formReading the output