please consult the github page : DAIRYdb: A manually curated gold standard reference database for improved taxonomy annotation of 16S rRNA gene sequences from dairy products Marco Meola, Etienne Rifa, Noam Shani, Céline Delbes, Hélène Berthoud, Christophe Chassard bioRxiv 386151; doi: Description DAIRYdb provides 10'290 complete sequences of 16S ribosomal RNA (V1-V9) from bacterial species of dairy products. The taxonomy has been automatically and manually curated on the 7 ranks. DAIRYdb is able to assign sequences to the species rank whereas classical Databases are less accurate. Note DAIRYdb is under active development and validation. Please independently confirm the DAIRYdb predictions by manually inspecting the tree and bringing any discrepancies to our attention. Moreover, please let us know if you want DAIRYdb to be adapted to a specific classifier not yet available here. Also, if you adapted DAIRYdb to any other classifier, do not hesitate to send us the files so that we can push them on github. Copyright 2018 Agroscope, INRA Disclaimer DAIRYdb is released under the ETALAB and GPL 3.0 licenses. The software is therefore open-source and free to use, as long as any modification to the source code will be exclusively for your sole purpose, or released within the terms of the license. Any commercial sale (standalone or as part of a package) is forbidden. DAIRYdb is made available to the community is delivered without any warranty, as expressed by the terms of this disclaimer. It is implied that you agree with the terms of the license and the disclaimer, if you decide to use the DAIRYdb. Citation If you use the DAIRYdb, please cite: Marco Meola, Etienne Rifa, Noam Shani, Céline Delbes, Hélène Berthoud, Christophe Chassard; DAIRYdb: A manually curated gold standard reference database for improved taxonomy annotation of 16S rRNA gene sequences from dairy products