#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os import sys import itertools import numpy assert len(sys.argv) == 3, "Please specify INPUT and OUTPUT filenames." # does the WCSP have one or more constant terms has_constant_term = False # classe pour écriture à largeur de texte contrôlée class WidthFile(file): maxcol = 80 def __init__(self, *x, **k): file.__init__(self, *x, **k) self.col = 0 def write(self, x): lines = x.splitlines() #print "outputting", lines if (self.col + len(lines[0])) >= 80: file.write(self, "\n") self.col = 0 map(lambda x: file.write(self, x + '\n'), lines[:-1]) file.write(self, lines[-1]) if len(lines) > 1: self.col = len(lines[-1]) else: self.col += len(lines[-1]) # le nom des variables pour l'encodage des valeurs des domaines. les # variables booléennes restent booléennes mais il faut compter les # littéraux négatifs par ailleurs (format lp ne gère pas (1-x)) def domain_var(n, v): return " d%i_%i " % (n, v) def mdomain_var(coeff, n, v): if (v == 1) and (domains[n] == 2): return "%+i d%i_0 " % (-coeff,n) else : return "%+i d%i_%i " % (coeff, n, v) # le nom des variables pour l'encodage des autres tuples def tuple_var(tvar,tval): tvarval = map(lambda var,val: (var,val),tvar,tval) # normalize tuple st = sorted(tvarval, key=lambda x: x[0]) name = "t" for x in st: name = name + ("_%i_%i" % x) return name #le produit cartésien des séquences (stockées dans une séquence vlist). def product(vlist): return apply(itertools.product,vlist) #enumerate all "tuples" on tvar (for var, if it appears in tvar, a #single value val is used instead of thh full domain) generating the #set of support tuples. def enum_tuples(tvar, var, val): return product(map(lambda ovar: [val] if (var == ovar) else xrange(domains[ovar]), tvar)) # reading numbers def read_num_vec(lit): return map(int, line_iter.next().strip().split(" ")) # lire une définition de cost function. The cost table is a tuple based dictionary def read_fun(lit): stuff = read_num_vec(line_iter) n_var = stuff[0] vars_ = stuff[1:1 + n_var] defcost = stuff[-2] n_spec = stuff[-1] tvo = sorted(map(lambda var,val: (var,val),vars_,range(len(vars_))),key=lambda x: x[0]) ovars = tuple(x[0] for x in tvo) varorder = tuple(x[1] for x in tvo) specs = dict() for i in xrange(n_spec): tc = read_num_vec(line_iter) specs[tuple(tc[i] for i in varorder)] = tc[-1] return ovars, defcost, specs # parcourir une cost function table def iter_fun(vars_, defcost, specs): vardom = [xrange(domains[v]) for v in vars_] for t in itertools.product(*vardom): if t in specs: yield t, specs[t] else: yield t, defcost # parcourir une cost function table en évitant les tuples d'un coût # donné si possible (defcost) def iter_funavoid(vars_, defcost, specs, avoid): if (defcost == avoid): for t in specs: yield t, specs[t] else: vardom = [xrange(domains[v]) for v in vars_] for t in itertools.product(*vardom): if t in specs: yield t, specs[t] else: yield t, defcost # ------------- MAIN --------------------- line_iter = open(sys.argv[1]).xreadlines() output = WidthFile(sys.argv[2], 'w') print "File %s opened" % sys.argv[1] # reading parameters name, n_var, max_domain_size, n_fun, upper_bound = (line_iter.next() .strip().split(" ")) domains = read_num_vec(line_iter) n_fun = int(n_fun) ub = int(upper_bound) print >> output, "Minimize" all_fun = [read_fun(line_iter) for i in xrange(n_fun)] print "\nCost functions read." # Output the criteria. Do not integrate zero or "infinite" cost # components here. Zero is useless, "infinite" will be handled as # linear constraints negative_litterals = 0 for vars_, defcost, specs in all_fun: n_vars = len(vars_) if (n_vars == 0): has_constant_term = 1 output.write(' +%i t ' % defcost) else: for t, cost in iter_funavoid(vars_, defcost, specs,0): if cost == 0 or cost >= ub: continue if n_vars == 1: output.write(mdomain_var(cost,vars_[0], t[0])) if (t[0] == 1 and domains[vars_[0]] <= 2): negative_litterals = negative_litterals + cost else: output.write(' +%i %s ' % (cost, tuple_var(vars_, t))) if negative_litterals: has_constant_term = 1 output.write(" +%i t" % negative_litterals) print "Criteria generated." output.write("\n\nSubject to:\n\n") # Set of tuple vars that need not be used ub_tuplevars = set() # Hard constraints: for every value with cost >=ub, we forbid it # explicitely. Tuples variables are just removed. for vars_, defcost, specs in all_fun: n_vars = len(vars_) for t, cost in iter_funavoid(vars_, defcost, specs,0): if cost < ub: continue if n_vars == 1: output.write('%s = %i\n\n' % (mdomain_var(1,vars_[0], t[0]), -(domains[vars_[0]] == 2 and t[0] == 1))) else: ub_tuplevars.add(tuple_var(vars_, t)) print "Hard constraints generated." # Direct encoding. Exactly one value constraint. Boolean variables are not included here. for i, dom in enumerate(domains): if (dom > 2) : map(lambda v: output.write(mdomain_var(1, i, v)), xrange(dom)) output.write(" = 1\n\n") if (dom == 1) : output.write("%s = 1\n\n" % domain_var(i,0)) print "Domain constraints generated." # marginal consistency: one value selected iff one associated tuple selected. # if several functions have the same cost, we need only to do it once scopes = set(vars_ for vars_, defcost, specs in (f for f in all_fun if len(f[0]) >= 2)) print "%i different scopes detected." % len(scopes) for vars_ in scopes: for va in vars_: for a in xrange(domains[va]): map(lambda b: output.write("+1 %s " % tuple_var(vars_, b)) if tuple_var(vars_, b) not in ub_tuplevars else 0, enum_tuples(vars_,va,a)) output.write(" %s " % mdomain_var(-1, va, a)) output.write("= %i\n\n" % (domains[va] == 2 and a == 1)) print "Marginal consistency constraints generated." output.write("\n\nBounds\n\n") # bound tuple variables to [0,1] for vars_, defcost, specs in (f for f in all_fun if len(f[0]) >= 2): map(lambda b: output.write("%s <= 1\n\n" % tuple_var(vars_, b)) if tuple_var(vars_, b) not in ub_tuplevars else 0, enum_tuples(vars_,-1,-1)) if has_constant_term : output.write("t = 1\n") print "Tuple bounds generated." output.write("\n\nBinary\n\n") # indicate 0/1 variables (direct encoding). for i, dom in enumerate(domains): if (dom > 2) : map(lambda v: output.write("%s " % domain_var(i, v)), xrange(dom)) else: output.write("%s " % domain_var(i, 0)) output.write("\n\nEnd") print "Domain binaries generated." print "Finished."