## Method dedicated to specificity index. Computes, tests and represents several specificity index (simpson, shannon, indicator species and Yanai's index) ## Compute specificity of a vector ## x represents (possibly not normalised) distribution of quantity ## of interest across conditions specificity <- function(x, index = c("shannon", "simpson", "yanai", "indspec"), groupfrac = NULL) { ## Args: ## - x: matrix (vectors are automatically coerced to 1-row matrices), specificity ## is computed along the rows of x ## - index: method used for computing specificity. yanai refers to (Yanai 200x) and Indspec to ## Indicator Species (Dufrene & Legendre, 1997) ## - groupfrac: group fractions in which otus appear, should be the same size as x, required for indspec ## ## Note: ## - all 0 vectors lead to minimum specificity (unlike in 'diversity' of package 'vegan' where ## they lead to minimum diversity which in turn leads to maximum specificity) ## ## Returns ## - Div: Specificity vector index <- match.arg(index) if (index == "indspec") { stopifnot(!is.null(groupfrac))} ## Change vector to matrix if (is.vector(x)) { x <- matrix(x, nrow = 1) if (index == "indspec") { groupfrac <- matrix(groupfrac, nrow = 1) } } ## change x so that empty sites return minimum specificity total <- rowSums(x) x[total == 0, ] <- 1 ## Compute diversity index if (index == "yanai") { x <- 1 - (x / rowMax(x)) Div <- rowSums(x, na.rm =TRUE)/(ncol(x) - 1) } else { ## Normalize data x <- x / rowSums(x) if (index == "shannon") { x <- -x * log(x) Div <- apply(x, 1, sum, na.rm = TRUE) Div <- 1/exp(Div) } if (index == "simpson") { x <- x * x Div <- apply(x, 1, sum, na.rm = TRUE) } if (index == "indspec") { x <- x * groupfrac Div <- apply(x, 1, max) } } return(Div) } ## Compute local specificity of a vector ## x represents (possibly not normalised) distribution of quantity ## of interest across conditions local_specificity <- function(x, index = c("fraction", "indspec"), groupfrac = NULL) { ## Args: ## - x: matrix (vectors are automatically coerced to 1-row matrices), specificity ## is computed along the rows of x ## - index: method used for computing specificity. "fraction" corresponds to fraction ## of overall total found in a given condition and "indspec" to "fraction" weighted ## by the prevalence of quantity in samples from condition (found in groupfrac) ## - groupfrac: group fractions in which otus appear, should be the same size as x, ## required for indspec ## ## Note: ## - all 0 vectors lead to minimum specificity (unlike in 'diversity' of package 'vegan' where ## they lead to minimum diversity which in turn leads to maximum specificity) ## ## Returns ## - Div: Specificity vector index <- match.arg(index) if (index == "indspec") { stopifnot(!is.null(groupfrac))} ## Change vector to matrix if (is.vector(x)) { x <- matrix(x, nrow = 1) if (index == "indspec") { groupfrac <- matrix(groupfrac, nrow = 1) } } ## change x so that empty sites return minimum specificity total <- rowSums(x) x[total == 0, ] <- 1 ## Compute local specificity index Div <- x / rowSums(x, na.rm = TRUE) if (index == "indspec") { Div <- Div * groupfrac } return(Div) } ## Estimate specificity of an otu to a given factor estimate_specificity <- function(physeq, group, index = c("shannon", "simpson", "yanai", "indspec"), freq = TRUE, B = 999, se = TRUE, parallel = FALSE) { ## Args: ## - physeq: phyloseq class object, otu abundances are extracted from this object ## - index: method used for computing specificity ## - group: Either the a single character string matching a ## variable name in the corresponding sample_data of ‘physeq’, or a ## factor with the same length as the number of samples in ‘physeq’. ## - freq Logical. Should counts be replaced by frequencies (TRUE) or kept as such (FALSE). ## Defaults to TRUE. TRUE corresponding to weighting all samples equally while FALSE ## weights them with their library size. ## - se: Logical, variability of the computed specificities be assessed ## (by bootstrapping samples within levels of factor). If TRUE, quantiles ## 5, 25, 50, 75 and 95 of specificity coefficients are returned. Defaults to TRUE ## - B: Only used if se is TRUE, number of bootstrap replicates used ## to compute quantiles. ## - parallel: Logical, should computations be performed in parallel. Use mclapply and ## parallel HPC framework ## ## Returns; ## data frame with components ## - specificity: observed specificity ## - level: factor level in which otu is most abundant ## - abundance: overall relative abundance of otu (all levels are weighted equally) ## - mean, sd, quantiles 5, 25, 50, 75 and 95% if 'se' is TRUE ## Specificity method is used as attribute 'index' ## Get grouping factor if (!is.null(sample_data(physeq, FALSE))) { if (class(group) == "character" & length(group) == 1) { x1 <- data.frame(sample_data(physeq)) if (!group %in% colnames(x1)) { stop("group not found among sample variable names.") } group <- x1[, group] } } if (class(group) != "factor") { group <- factor(group) } ## Construct relative abundances by sample tdf <- as(otu_table(physeq), "matrix") if (!taxa_are_rows(physeq)) { tdf <- t(tdf) } if (freq) { tdf <- apply(tdf, 2, function(x) x/sum(x)) } ## Specificity after pooling by groups for one sample ## Change the default settings so that presence in no sample is ## considered as perfect evenness (instead of specificity, as is the case now) ## Per group averages are computed using rowsum and group size (instead of aggregate) ## for speed spec <- function(x, index, group) { meandf <- t(rowsum(t(x), group, reorder = TRUE)) / matrix(rep(table(group), each = nrow(x)), nrow = nrow(x)) frac <- t(rowsum(t(0 + (x > 0)), group, reorder = TRUE)) / matrix(rep(table(group), each = nrow(x)), nrow = nrow(x)) return(specificity(meandf, index, frac)) } ## Random stratified sampling stratified_sampling<-function(df, group) { ## df is the data to sample from ## group is the factor vector used to group samples ## Order the data based on the groups groupContent <- split(1:ncol(df), f = group) groupSample <- unlist(lapply(groupContent, function(x) sample(x, length(x), TRUE))) return(list(samples = groupSample, group = group[order(group)])) } ## One sample specificity one_rand_sample_spec <- function(df, index, group) { strat_samp <- stratified_sampling(df, group) return(spec(x = df[ , strat_samp$samples], index = index, group = strat_samp$group)) } ## Compute original sample diversity, add predominant level and overall abundance for each otu meandf <- t(rowsum(t(tdf), group, reorder = TRUE)) / matrix(rep(table(group), each = nrow(tdf)), nrow = nrow(tdf)) domLevel <- colnames(meandf)[apply(meandf, 1, which.max)] res <- data.frame(otu = rownames(meandf), specificity = spec(tdf, index, group), level = domLevel, abundance = rowMeans(meandf)) ## Compute variability of specificity indexes if (se) { ## Replicate specificity estimates (optionally, in parallel using foreach) cat("Estimating se, may take a few minutes", sep = "\n") if (parallel) { resmat <- mclapply(1:B, function(i) { cat(paste("bootstrap sample", i), sep = "\n") one_rand_sample_spec(tdf, index, group)} ) resmat <- do.call(cbind, resmat) } else { resmat <- replicate(n = B, one_rand_sample_spec(tdf, index, group)) } distrib <- t(apply(resmat, 1, function(x) c(mean = mean(x), sd = sd(x), quantile(x, probs = c(0.05, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.95))))) colnames(distrib) <- c("mean", "sd", "q5", "q25", "q50", "q75", "q95") res <- data.frame(res, distrib) } ## Add method attr(res, "index") <- index attr(res, "group") <- group return(res) } ## Estimate local specificity of an otu to a given factor estimate_local_specificity <- function(physeq, group, index = c("fraction", "indspec"), freq = TRUE, B = 999, se = TRUE, parallel = FALSE) { ## Args: ## - physeq: phyloseq class object, otu abundances are extracted from this object ## - index: method used for computing local specificity ## - group: Either the a single character string matching a ## variable name in the corresponding sample_data of ‘physeq’, or a ## factor with the same length as the number of samples in ‘physeq’. ## - freq Logical. Should counts be replaced by frequencies (TRUE) or kept as such (FALSE). ## Defaults to TRUE. TRUE corresponding to weighting all samples equally while FALSE ## weights them with their library size. ## - se: Logical, variability of the computed specificities be assessed ## (by bootstrapping samples within levels of factor). If TRUE, quantiles ## 5, 25, 50, 75 and 95 of specificity coefficients are returned. Defaults to TRUE ## - B: Only used if se is TRUE, number of bootstrap replicates used ## to compute quantiles. ## - parallel: Logical, should computations be performed in parallel. Use mclapply and ## parallel HPC framework ## ## Returns; ## data frame with components ## - specificity: observed local specificity ## - group: factor level ## - abundance: local relative abundance of otu (all samples of a level are weighted equally) ## - mean, sd, quantiles 5, 25, 50, 75 and 95% if 'se' is TRUE ## Specificity method is used as attribute 'index' ## Get grouping factor if (!is.null(sample_data(physeq, FALSE))) { if (class(group) == "character" & length(group) == 1) { x1 <- data.frame(sample_data(physeq)) if (!group %in% colnames(x1)) { stop("group not found among sample variable names.") } group <- x1[, group] } } if (class(group) != "factor") { group <- factor(group) } ## Construct relative abundances by sample tdf <- as(otu_table(physeq), "matrix") if (!taxa_are_rows(physeq)) { tdf <- t(tdf) } if (freq) { tdf <- apply(tdf, 2, function(x) x/sum(x)) } ## Specificity after pooling by groups for one sample ## Change the default settings so that presence in no sample is ## considered as perfect evenness (instead of specificity, as is the case now) ## Per group averages are computed using rowsum and group size (instead of aggregate) ## for speed local_spec <- function(x, index, group) { meandf <- t(rowsum(t(x), group, reorder = TRUE)) / matrix(rep(table(group), each = nrow(x)), nrow = nrow(x)) frac <- t(rowsum(t(0 + (x > 0)), group, reorder = TRUE)) / matrix(rep(table(group), each = nrow(x)), nrow = nrow(x)) result <- local_specificity(meandf, index, frac) return(as.vector(result[observed.otu])) } ## Random stratified sampling stratified_sampling<-function(df, group) { ## df is the data to sample from ## group is the factor vector used to group samples ## Order the data based on the groups groupContent <- split(1:ncol(df), f = group) groupSample <- unlist(lapply(groupContent, function(x) sample(x, length(x), TRUE))) return(list(samples = groupSample, group = group[order(group)])) } ## One sample specificity one_rand_sample_spec <- function(df, index, group) { strat_samp <- stratified_sampling(df, group) return(local_spec(x = df[ , strat_samp$samples], index = index, group = strat_samp$group)) } ## Compute original sample diversity, add predominant level and overall abundance for each otu meandf <- t(rowsum(t(tdf), group, reorder = TRUE)) relative.abundance <- apply(meandf, 2, function(x) x / sum(x)) observed.otu <- as.vector(relative.abundance > 0) res <- data.frame(otu = rep(rownames(relative.abundance), ncol(relative.abundance)), level = rep(colnames(relative.abundance), each = nrow(relative.abundance)), abundance = as.vector(relative.abundance)) res <- res[observed.otu, ] res$specificity <- local_spec(tdf, index, group) ## Compute variability of specificity indexes if (se) { ## Replicate specificity estimates (optionally, in parallel using foreach) cat("Estimating se, may take a few minutes", sep = "\n") if (parallel) { resmat <- mclapply(1:B, function(i) { cat(paste("bootstrap sample", i), sep = "\n") one_rand_sample_spec(tdf, index, group)} ) resmat <- do.call(cbind, resmat) } else { resmat <- replicate(n = B, one_rand_sample_spec(tdf, index, group)) } distrib <- t(apply(resmat, 1, function(x) c(mean = mean(x), sd = sd(x), quantile(x, probs = c(0.05, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.95))))) colnames(distrib) <- c("mean", "sd", "q5", "q25", "q50", "q75", "q95") res <- data.frame(res, distrib) } ## Add method attr(res, "index") <- index attr(res, "group") <- group return(res) } ## Plot specifity against relative abundance plot_specificity <- function(specOTUS, y = "specificity", color = "level", se = TRUE, plot = TRUE) { p <- ggplot(specOTUS, aes_string(x = "abundance", y = y, color = color)) + geom_point(size = 2) p <- p + labs(x = "Overall abundance (log10)", y = y) p <- p + scale_x_log10() if (se) { p <- p + geom_linerange(aes(ymin = q25, ymax = q75), alpha = 0.2) } ## p <- p + facet_wrap(~level) p <- p + theme(strip.text.x = element_text(size = 12), strip.text.y = element_text(size = 12), axis.text.x = element_text(angle=0, size=12)) ## p <- p + guides(colour = guide_legend("Treatment")) p <- p + geom_smooth(aes(color = NULL), method = "loess", se = FALSE) specmin <- ifelse(attr(specOTUS, "index") %in% c("simpson", "shannon"), 1/length(levels(specOTUS$level)), 0) p <- p + geom_hline(yintercept = specmin, lty = 2, color = "grey40") if (plot) { plot(p) } return(invisible(p)) } ## Plot local specifity against relative abundance plot_local_specificity <- function(specOTUS, y = "specificity", formula = y~x, color = "level", method = "loess", se = TRUE, plot = TRUE) { p <- ggplot(specOTUS, aes_string(x = "abundance", y = y, color = color)) + geom_point(size = 2) p <- p + labs(x = "Overall abundance (log10)", y = y) p <- p + scale_x_log10() p <- p + facet_wrap(~level) if (se) { p <- p + geom_linerange(aes(ymin = q25, ymax = q75), alpha = 0.2) } ## p <- p + facet_wrap(~level) p <- p + theme(strip.text.x = element_text(size = 12), strip.text.y = element_text(size = 12), axis.text.x = element_text(angle=0, size=12)) ## p <- p + guides(colour = guide_legend("Treatment")) p <- p + geom_smooth(color = "grey45", method = method, formula = formula, se = FALSE) specmin <- ifelse(attr(specOTUS, "index") %in% c("simpson", "shannon"), 1/length(levels(specOTUS$level)), 0) p <- p + geom_hline(yintercept = specmin, lty = 2, color = "grey40") if (plot) { plot(p) } return(invisible(p)) } ## Plot specificity rank curve with (optionnally) error bars plot_specificity_distribution <- function(specOTUS, x = "specificity", color = "level", se = TRUE, plot =TRUE) { ## Order specOTUS by specificity specrank <- rank(specOTUS[ , x], ties = "random") specOTUS$specrank <- specrank specOTUS <- specOTUS[ order(specOTUS$specrank), ] ## Plot a specificity/rank curve p <- ggplot(specOTUS, aes_string(x = x, y = "specrank", color = color)) p <- p + labs(x = x, y = "Rank") ## p <- p + facet_wrap(~level) p <- p + geom_point(size = 2) p <- p + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle=0, size=12)) ## p <- p + guides(colour = guide_legend("Treatment")) p <- p + geom_line(aes(color = NULL)) if (se) { p <- p + geom_errorbarh(aes(xmin = q25, xmax = q75), alpha = 0.2, height = 0) } specmin <- ifelse(attr(specOTUS, "index") %in% c("simpson", "shannon"), 1/length(levels(specOTUS$level)), 0) p <- p + geom_vline(xintercept = specmin, lty = 2, color = "grey40") if (plot) { plot(p) } return(invisible(p)) } ## Expected Robust specificity for taxa presents in only ## one replicate of a given treatment condition expected_robust_specificity <- function(group, index = c("shannon", "simpson", "yanai", "indspec")) { prop <- function(n) { return(1 - (1 - 1/n)^n) } index <- match.arg(index) specMinMax <- function(x, index) { res <- switch(index, shannon = cbind(1/x, rep(1, length(x))), simpson = cbind(1/x, rep(1, length(x))), yanai = cbind(rep(0, length(x)), rep(1, length(x))), indspec = cbind(0, rep(1, length(x)))) return(res) } propGroups <- prop(table(group)) propGroups <- cbind(1 - propGroups, propGroups) specRange <- specMinMax(table(group), index) res = rowSums(specRange*propGroups) return(data.frame(level = names(res), specificity = res)) } ## Assess significance of observed specificities using permutation tests test_specificity <- function(physeq, group, index = c("shannon", "simpson", "yanai", "indspec"), freq = TRUE, replace = FALSE, B = 999, parallel = FALSE) { ## Args: ## - physeq: phyloseq class object, otu abundances are extracted from this object ## - index: method used for computing specificity ## - group: Either the a single character string matching a ## variable name in the corresponding sample_data of ‘physeq’, or a ## factor with the same length as the number of samples in ‘physeq’. ## - freq Logical. Should counts be replaced by frequencies (TRUE) or kept as such (FALSE). ## Defaults to TRUE. TRUE corresponding to weighting all samples equally while FALSE ## weights them with their library size. ## - replace Logical. Should samples be replaced when randomizing samples within group levels. ## - B: Number of permutation tests used to assess significance. ## ## Returns; ## data frame with components ## - specificity: observed specificity ## - level: factor level in which otu is most abundant ## - abundance: overall relative abundance of otu (all levels are weighted equally) ## - rawp: raw p-value ## - adjp: adjusted p-value (computed using "fdr") ## Get grouping factor if (!is.null(sample_data(physeq, FALSE))) { if (class(group) == "character" & length(group) == 1) { x1 <- data.frame(sample_data(physeq)) if (!group %in% colnames(x1)) { stop("group not found among sample variable names.") } group <- x1[, group] } } if (class(group) != "factor") { group <- factor(group) } ## Construct relative abundances by sample tdf <- as(otu_table(physeq), "matrix") if (!taxa_are_rows(physeq)) { tdf <- t(tdf) } if (freq) { tdf <- apply(tdf, 2, function(x) x/sum(x)) } ## Specificity after pooling by groups for one sample ## Per group averages are computed using rowsum and group size (instead of aggregate) ## for speed spec <- function(x, index, group) { meandf <- t(rowsum(t(x), group, reorder = TRUE)) / matrix(rep(table(group), each = nrow(x)), nrow = nrow(x)) frac <- t(rowsum(t(0 + (x > 0)), group, reorder = TRUE)) / matrix(rep(table(group), each = nrow(x)), nrow = nrow(x)) return(specificity(meandf, index, frac)) } ## One sample specificity (not stratified) one_rand_sample_spec <- function(df, index, group) { return(spec(df[ , sample.int(length(group), replace = replace)], index, group)) } ## Compute original sample diversity, add predominant level and overall abundance for each otu meandf <- t(rowsum(t(tdf), group, reorder = TRUE)) / matrix(rep(table(group), each = nrow(tdf)), nrow = nrow(tdf)) domLevel <- colnames(meandf)[apply(meandf, 1, which.max)] res <- data.frame(specificity = spec(tdf, index, group), otu = rownames(meandf), level = domLevel, abundance = rowMeans(meandf), row.names = row.names(tdf)) ## Replicate specificity estimates cat("Estimating p-values, may take a few minutes", sep = "\n") if (parallel) { resmat <- mclapply(1:B, function(i) { cat(paste("bootstrap sample", i), sep = "\n") one_rand_sample_spec(tdf, index, group)} ) resmat <- do.call(cbind, resmat) resmat <- cbind(resmat, res$specificity) } else { resmat <- cbind(replicate(n = B, one_rand_sample_spec(tdf, index, group)), res$specificity) } distrib <- t(apply(resmat, 1, function(x) c(mean = mean(x), sd = sd(x), min = min(x), quantile(x, probs = c(0.5, 0.75, 0.9, 0.95, 0.99))))) colnames(distrib) <- c("bmean", "bsd", "bmin", "bq50", "bq75", "bq90", "bq95", "bq99") rawp <- rowMeans(sweep(resmat, 1, res$specificity, ">=")) res <- data.frame(res, rawp = rawp, adjp = p.adjust(rawp, method = "fdr"), distrib) ## Add method attr(res, "index") <- index attr(res, "group") <- group return(res) } ## Assess significance of observed local specificities using permutation tests test_local_specificity <- function(physeq, group, index = c("fraction", "indspec"), freq = TRUE, replace = FALSE, type = c("local", "global"), B = 999, parallel = FALSE) { ## Args: ## - physeq: phyloseq class object, otu abundances are extracted from this object ## - index: method used for computing local specificity ## - group: Either the a single character string matching a ## variable name in the corresponding sample_data of ‘physeq’, or a ## factor with the same length as the number of samples in ‘physeq’. ## - freq Logical. Should counts be replaced by frequencies (TRUE) or kept as such (FALSE). ## Defaults to TRUE. TRUE corresponding to weighting all samples equally while FALSE ## weights them with their library size. ## - type Unambiguous abbreviation of "global" or "local". If "local", specificity of a taxa ## to an environment is compared to random specificities in that environment only. If ## "global", it is compared to the maximum specificity over all environments. "global" ## is more conservative than "local". Defaults to "local". ## - replace Logical. Should samples be replaced when randomizing samples within group levels. ## - B: Number of permutation tests used to assess significance. ## ## Returns; ## data frame with components ## - specificity: observed specificity ## - level: grouping factor level ## - abundance: local relative abundance of otu (all levels are weighted equally) ## - rawp: raw p-value ## - adjp: adjusted p-value (computed using "fdr") ## Get grouping factor if (!is.null(sample_data(physeq, FALSE))) { if (class(group) == "character" & length(group) == 1) { x1 <- data.frame(sample_data(physeq)) if (!group %in% colnames(x1)) { stop("group not found among sample variable names.") } group <- x1[, group] } } if (class(group) != "factor") { group <- factor(group) } ## Construct relative abundances by sample tdf <- as(otu_table(physeq), "matrix") if (!taxa_are_rows(physeq)) { tdf <- t(tdf) } if (freq) { tdf <- apply(tdf, 2, function(x) x/sum(x)) } ## Get type type <- match.arg(type) ## Local Specificity after pooling by groups for one sample ## Per group averages are computed using rowsum and group size (instead of aggregate) ## for speed local_spec <- function(x, index, group, type) { meandf <- t(rowsum(t(x), group, reorder = TRUE)) / matrix(rep(table(group), each = nrow(x)), nrow = nrow(x)) frac <- t(rowsum(t(0 + (x > 0)), group, reorder = TRUE)) / matrix(rep(table(group), each = nrow(x)), nrow = nrow(x)) result <- local_specificity(meandf, index, frac) if (type == "global") { result <- matrix(apply(result, 1, max), nrow = nrow(result), ncol = ncol(result)) } return(as.vector(result[observed.otu])) } ## One sample specificity (not stratified) one_rand_sample_spec <- function(df, index, group, type) { return(local_spec(df[ , sample.int(length(group), replace = replace)], index, group, type)) } ## Compute original sample diversity, add local relative abundance for each otu meandf <- t(rowsum(t(tdf), group, reorder = TRUE)) relative.abundance <- apply(meandf, 2, function(x) x / sum(x)) observed.otu <- as.vector(relative.abundance > 0) res <- data.frame(otu = rep(rownames(relative.abundance), ncol(relative.abundance)), level = rep(colnames(relative.abundance), each = nrow(relative.abundance)), abundance = as.vector(relative.abundance)) res <- res[observed.otu, ] res$specificity <- local_spec(tdf, index, group, type = "local") ## Replicate specificity estimates cat("Estimating p-values, may take a few minutes", sep = "\n") if (parallel) { resmat <- mclapply(1:B, function(i) { cat(paste("bootstrap sample", i), sep = "\n") one_rand_sample_spec(tdf, index, group, type)} ) resmat <- do.call(cbind, resmat) resmat <- cbind(resmat, res$specificity) } else { resmat <- cbind(replicate(n = B, one_rand_sample_spec(tdf, index, group, type)), res$specificity) } distrib <- t(apply(resmat, 1, function(x) c(mean = mean(x), sd = sd(x), min = min(x), quantile(x, probs = c(0.5, 0.75, 0.9, 0.95, 0.99))))) colnames(distrib) <- c("bmean", "bsd", "bmin", "bq50", "bq75", "bq90", "bq95", "bq99") rawp <- rowMeans(sweep(resmat, 1, res$specificity, ">=")) res <- data.frame(res, rawp = rawp, adjp = p.adjust(rawp, method = "fdr"), distrib) ## Add method attr(res, "index") <- index attr(res, "group") <- group return(res) } ## Compare saturation speed of rarefaction curves for specific species against all species. specific_rarefaction <- function(physeq, step = 10, group, index = c("fraction", "indspec"), specificity = NULL, threshold = 0.9, pvalue = 0.05, label = NULL, B = 999, color = NULL, parallel = FALSE, se = TRUE, plot = TRUE) { ## Args: ## - physeq: phyloseq class object, from which abundance data are extracted ## - step: Step size for sample size in rarefaction curves ## - group: Either the a single character string matching a ## variable name in the corresponding sample_data of ‘physeq’, or a ## factor with the same length as the number of samples in ‘physeq’. ## - specifity: Default `NULL`. Data frame with components "specificity" (observed local specificity) and ## "group" (factor level). ## - index: Default "indspec". Used if specifity is `NULL`, argument passed on to ## 'link{estimate_local_specificity}' to compute specificity ## - B: (Optional) Default 999. Integer value. Number of replicates used to compute specificity adjusted p-values. ## - threshold: Default 0.9. Numeric value used to label an otu as specific when ## constructing rarefaction curve. ‘Specificity’ must be higher ## than 'threshold'. ## - pvalue: Default 0.05. Numeric value used to label an otu as specific when ## constructing rarefaction curve. Used only if threshold is NULL. ## ‘adjp’ must be lower than 'pvalue'. ## - label: (Optional) Default `NULL`. Character string. The name of the variable ## to map to text labels on the plot. Similar to color option ## but for plotting text. ## - color: (Optional). Default ‘NULL’. Character string. The name of the ## variable to map to colors in the plot. This can be a sample ## variable (among the set returned by ## ‘sample_variables(physeq)’ ) or taxonomic rank (among the set ## returned by ‘rank_names(physeq)’). ## Finally, The color scheme is chosen automatically by ## ‘link{ggplot}’, but it can be modified afterward with an ## additional layer using ‘scale_color_manual’. ## - plot: Logical, should the graphic be plotted. ## - parallel: should rarefaction be parallelized (using parallel framework) ## - parallel: should richness standard errors be computed ## require vegan x <- as(otu_table(physeq), "matrix") if (taxa_are_rows(physeq)) { x <- t(x) } ## Get sample data if (!is.null(sample_data(physeq, FALSE))) { sdf <- as(sample_data(physeq), "data.frame") sdf$Sample <- rownames(sdf) } else { stop("Sample data required in phyloseq class argument") } ## Compute specificity, and if necessary adjusted p-values for ## local specificity if (is.null(specificity)) { specificity <- estimate_local_specificity(physeq = physeq, group = group, index = index, freq = TRUE, B = B, se = FALSE, parallel = parallel) } if (is.null(threshold)) { test_specificity <- test_local_specificity(physeq = physeq, group = group, index = index, freq = TRUE, B = B, parallel = parallel) specificity <- merge(specificity, test_specificity) attr(specificity, "index") <- attr(test_specificity, "index") attr(specificity, "group") <- attr(test_specificity, "group") } ## Call specific otus on either p-value or specificity value if (is.null(threshold)) { specificity$specific <- with(specificity, adjp < pvalue) } else { specificity$specific <- with(specificity, specificity > threshold) } ## Local modification of vegan 'rarefy' function ## Used to compute estimated relative richness when limiting oneself to a ## species subset only. Richness is relative .rarefy <- function(x, sample, se = se, subset = rep(TRUE, length(x))) { .rarefun <- function(n) { J <- sum(x) x <- x[subset] x <- x[x > 0] ldiv <- lchoose(J, n) p1 <- ifelse(J - x < n, 0, exp(lchoose(J-x, n) - ldiv)) out <- sum(1 - p1) if (se) { V <- sum(p1 * (1 - p1)) Jxx <- J - outer(x, x, "+") ind <- lower.tri(Jxx) Jxx <- Jxx[ind] V <- V + 2 * sum(ifelse(Jxx < n, 0, exp(lchoose(Jxx, n) - ldiv)) - outer(p1, p1)[ind]) out <- cbind(out, sqrt(V)) } out } ## Normalization by maximum richness for comparable scales S.rare <- sapply(sample, function(n) .rarefun(n)) / length(x[subset & (x > 0)]) if (se) { rownames(S.rare) <- c("S", "se") } else { dim(S.rare) <- c(1, length(S.rare)) rownames(S.rare) <- c("S") } return(S.rare) } ## This script is adapted from vegan `rarecurve` function ## Computes rarefaction curves (otu richness) and se. tot <- rowSums(x) S <- rowSums(x > 0) nr <- nrow(x) ## For complete richness if (parallel) { rarefun <- function(i) { cat(paste("rarefying sample", rownames(x)[i]), sep = "\n") n <- seq(1, tot[i], by = step) if (n[length(n)] != tot[i]) n <- c(n, tot[i]) y <- .rarefy(x[i, ], n, se = se) return(data.frame(t(y), Size = n, Sample = rownames(x)[i], Richness = "Complete")) } out <- mclapply(seq_len(nr), rarefun, mc.preschedule = FALSE) } else { out <- lapply(seq_len(nr), function(i) { cat(paste("rarefying sample", rownames(x)[i]), sep = "\n") n <- seq(1, tot[i], by = step) if (n[length(n)] != tot[i]) n <- c(n, tot[i]) y <- .rarefy(x[i, ], n, se = se) return(data.frame(t(y), Size = n, Sample = rownames(x)[i], Richness = "Complete")) }) } df.comp <- do.call(rbind, out) ## For specific richness if (parallel) { rarefun <- function(i) { cat(paste("rarefying sample", rownames(x)[i]), sep = "\n") n <- seq(1, tot[i], by = step) if (n[length(n)] != tot[i]) n <- c(n, tot[i]) i.level <- attr(specificity, "group")[i] specific <- subset(specificity, specific & level == i.level, select = "otu") specific <- (colnames(x) %in% as.character(specific)) y <- .rarefy(x[i, ], n, se = se, subset = specific) return(data.frame(t(y), Size = n, Sample = rownames(x)[i], Richness = "Specific")) } out <- mclapply(seq_len(nr), rarefun, mc.preschedule = FALSE) } else { out <- lapply(seq_len(nr), function(i) { cat(paste("rarefying sample", rownames(x)[i]), sep = "\n") n <- seq(1, tot[i], by = step) if (n[length(n)] != tot[i]) n <- c(n, tot[i]) i.level <- attr(specificity, "group")[i] specific <- subset(specificity, specific & level == i.level, select = "otu") specific <- (colnames(x) %in% as.character(specific$otu)) y <- .rarefy(x[i, ], n, se = se, subset = specific) return(data.frame(t(y), Size = n, Sample = rownames(x)[i], Richness = "Specific")) }) } df.spec <- do.call(rbind, out) ## Merge all richnesses df <- rbind(df.comp, df.spec) df$Richness <- factor(df$Richness, levels = c("Specific", "Complete")) ## Merge sample data with rarefaction curve sdf$Group <- attr(specificity, "group") data <- merge(df, sdf, by = "Sample") labels <- data.frame(x = tot, y = 1, Sample = rownames(x)) labels <- merge(labels, sdf, by = "Sample") ## Add, any custom-supplied plot-mapped variables if( length(color) > 1 ){ data$color <- color names(data)[names(data)=="color"] <- deparse(substitute(color)) color <- deparse(substitute(color)) } if( length(label) > 1 ){ labels$label <- label names(labels)[names(labels)=="label"] <- deparse(substitute(label)) label <- deparse(substitute(label)) } p <- ggplot(data = data, aes_string(x = "Size", y = "S", group = "interaction(Richness, Sample)", color = color)) p <- p + labs(x = "Sample Size", y = "(Relative) Species Richness") if (!is.null(label)) { p <- p + geom_text(data = labels, aes_string(x = "x", y = "y", label = label, color = color), size = 4, hjust = 0) } p <- p + facet_wrap(~Group) p <- p + geom_line(aes(linetype = Richness)) if (se) { p <- p + geom_ribbon(aes_string(ymin = "S - se", ymax = "S + se", color = NULL, fill = color), alpha = 0.1) } if (plot) { plot(p) } invisible(p) }