******************************************************************************** INSTALLER UNE INSTANCE GALAXY / Linux ******************************************************************************** 1- De préférence en local sur son ordinateur. Choisir un répertoire de travail. 2- Sinon: ssh -XY violette violette@genotoul1 ~ $ cd /work/violette/ Depuis Google : Galaxy Project / Get Galaxy / install locally violette@genotoul1 /work/coquelicot $ git clone https://github.com/galaxyproject/galaxy/ Initialized empty Git repository in /work/coquelicot/galaxy/.git/ remote: Counting objects: 196402, done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (11/11), done. remote: Total 196402 (delta 2), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 196391 Receiving objects: 100% (196402/196402), 68.88 MiB | 4.51 MiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (155679/155679), done. Explorer le contenu du répertoire galaxy/ : violette@genotoul1 /work/violette $ ls galaxy violette@genotoul1 /work/violette $ ls galaxy/ CITATION display_applications openid static client doc README.rst templates CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md external_service_types requirements.txt test config extract_dataset_parts.sh rolling_restart.sh test-data contrib lib run_reports.sh tool-data CONTRIBUTING.md LICENSE.txt run.sh tool_list.py CONTRIBUTORS.md locale run_tests.sh tools create_db.sh Makefile run_tool_shed.sh tox.ini cron manage_db.sh scripts database manage_tools.sh setup.cfg Ne surtout pas lancer en frontal le run en frontal !!! (ne pas lancer le sh run.sh) Votre formateur prend le relais sur une machine de tests. Pour celles/ceux qui le souhaitent, faire les mêmes manips en local sur votre ordinateur (comme je ne connais pas les configurations de vos PC .. le support sera limité). Installation en local sur PC : installs, tests et run en local sur PC * Chemin d'accès au code Galaxy: [Sarah@localhost LOCAL_TESTS]$ pwd /home/Sarah/Documents/GALAXY/MASTER_2_BIOINFO/COURS/LOCAL_TESTS * Installation du code Galaxy: [Sarah@localhost LOCAL_TESTS]$ git clone https://github.com/galaxyproject/galaxy/ Clonage dans 'galaxy'... remote: Counting objects: 245878, done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (2/2), done. remote: Total 245878 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 245876 Réception d'objets: 100% (245878/245878), 160.18 MiB | 1.43 MiB/s, fait. Résolution des deltas: 100% (195225/195225), fait. Vérification de la connectivité... fait. Remarque importante : Premier lancement de galaxy : sh run.sh Pour les restarts suivants (afin de ne pas recréer une base de données), pas de sh run.sh mais ./rolling_restart.sh ******************************************************************************** Explorer les répertoire et les fichiers ******************************************************************************** Merci d'identifier les principaux répertoire et fichiers utiles : PRINCIPAUX REPERTOIRES : [galaxy-preprod@vm-galaxy-preprod galaxy-preprod]$ ls clean.sh galaxy logs my_config my_files my_tmp my_tools my_workspace python-src TOTO example_wrapper.pl GalaxyPath.pm my_bin my_dependencies my_job_working_directory my_tool-data my_visualizations pbs shed_tools venv.tgz LES FICHIERS DE CONFIGURATION : [galaxy-preprod@vm-galaxy-preprod galaxy-preprod]$ ls my_config auth_conf.xml galaxy.ini local_env.sh sanitize_whitelist.txt tool_conf.xml.main auth_conf.xml.sample galaxy.ini.sample migrated_tools_conf.xml shed_data_manager_conf.xml tool_conf.xml.sample data_manager_conf.xml.sample integrated_tool_panel.xml migrated_tools_conf.xml.sample shed_data_manager_conf.xml.sample tool_data_table_conf.xml datatypes_conf.xml job_conf.xml my_tool_conf.xml shed_tool_conf.xml tool_data_table_conf.xml.sample datatypes_conf.xml.sample job_conf.xml.sample_advanced object_store_conf.xml.sample shed_tool_conf.xml.sample tool_shed.ini.sample dependency_resolvers_conf.xml.sample job_conf.xml.sample_basic openid_conf.xml.sample shed_tool_data_table_conf.xml tool_sheds_conf.xml disposable_email_blacklist.conf.sample job_metrics_conf.xml.sample plugins shed_tool_data_table_conf.xml.sample tool_sheds_conf.xml.sample external_service_types_conf.xml.sample job_resource_params_conf.xml.sample reports.ini.sample tool_conf.xml workflow_schedulers_conf.xml.sample LES FICHIERS DE LOC: [galaxy-preprod@vm-galaxy-preprod galaxy-preprod]$ ls my_tool-data 16S_db.loc builds.txt funDo.loc mirdeep2_indexes.loc regions.loc snpeffv_genomedb.loc add_scores.loc bwa_index.loc funDo.loc.sample mosaik_index.loc regions.loc.sample snpeffv_genomedb.loc.sample add_scores.loc.sample bwa_index.loc.sample gatk2_annotations.txt mosaik_index.loc.sample rsem_indices.loc snpeffv_regulationdb.loc alignseq.loc bwa_mem_indexes.loc gatk2_picard_indexes.loc mothur_aligndb.loc rsem_indices.loc.sample snpeffv_regulationdb.loc.sample alignseq.loc.sample bwa_mem_index.loc gatk2_picard_index.loc mothur_lookup.loc sam_fa_indexes.loc snpsift_dbnsfp.loc all_fasta.loc bwa_mirdeep2_index.loc gatk3_sorted_picard_index.loc mothur_map.loc sam_fa_indices.loc snpsift_dbnsfp.loc.sample all_fasta.loc.sample codingSnps.loc gatk_annotations.txt mothur_taxonomy.loc sequence_index_base.loc snpsift_dbnsfps.loc annotation_profiler_options.xml codingSnps.loc.sample gatk_picard_indexes.loc ngs_sim_fasta.loc sequence_index_base.loc.sample snpsift_dbnsfps.loc.sample LES TOOLS: [galaxy-preprod@vm-galaxy-preprod galaxy-preprod]$ ls my_tools bcftools_view egnpp gatk_3 R_ACP_CATIBIOSDBIOL sm_bam2bai4igv sm_fasta_manip sm_mapping_from_bam sm_RNAseq sm_TEST sr_cat_fastas bed_intersect fasta_tools gatk3_toolshed_US rgenetics sm_bam2bamsorted sm_FASTQ_qual sm_merge_cols sm_RPY2TOOLS_tests sm_upload sr_fosmides bwa_0_7_10 fastq in_vcf_sort samtools sm_blastall sm_flash sm_mirdeep2 sm_samtools_faidx sm_upload_work sr_mapping contra_2.0.8 fastx_toolkit my_test.xml sartools_1_1_0 sm_bowtie_build sm_FOSMIDES sm_miRNA_annotations sm_save_on_user_workTMP sm_work stacks coverage_statistics fml_gff3togtf new_operations sequenza sm_cluster sm_GFF2GTF sm_miRNA_qual sm_sed sm_zip trim_galore deseq_and_sam2counts Frogs -p shrnaseq sm_compress sm_GFF2GTF.pl sm_niks sm_sgs snpeff_3.4 vcf_tools discosnp_plus_plus FROGS picard sickle_migale sm_compute_GC sm_GFF2GTF.xml sm_phylofish sm_SNP_calling snpeff_4.1_nlapalu dlas_qstat FROGS_nolink picrust_galaxy sm_annotation_SNP sm_compute_length sm_gtf_to_gff sm_qquota sm_split snpeff_compile edger gatk2 presartools sm_archive sm_dos2unix sm_indexation_genome_ref sm_RepeatMasker sm_STAR sr_apollo Merci d'expliquer rapidement au tableau (qui se lance), les fichiers suivants: galaxy.ini job_conf.xml datatypes_conf.xml tool_conf.xml bwa_index.loc et le répertoire tools/ * Visualisation des fichiers: [Sarah@localhost LOCAL_TESTS]$ ls galaxy [Sarah@localhost LOCAL_TESTS]$ ls galaxy/ CITATION contrib cron external_service_types locale openid run_reports.sh scripts test tools client CONTRIBUTING.md database extract_dataset_parts.sh Makefile README.rst run.sh setup.cfg test-data tox.ini CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md CONTRIBUTORS.md display_applications lib manage_db.sh requirements.txt run_tests.sh static tool-data config create_db.sh doc LICENSE.txt manage_tools.sh rolling_restart.sh run_tool_shed.sh templates tool_list.py * Création du galaxy.ini [Sarah@localhost LOCAL_TESTS]$ cp galaxy/config/galaxy.ini.sample galaxy/config/galaxy.ini * Paramétrage de son galaxy.ini: [Sarah@localhost LOCAL_TESTS]$ geany galaxy/config/galaxy.ini & Décommenter le port et l'host: # The port on which to listen. #port = 8080 # The address on which to listen. By default, only listen to localhost (Galaxy # will not be accessible over the network). Use '' to listen on all # available network interfaces. #host = Depuis votre interface web Galaxy, créer vous un compte avec REGISTER. Compléter galaxy.ini pour être admin de votre machine en renseignant le mail de votre compte Galaxy nouvellement créé. * Lancer Galaxy: [Sarah@localhost galaxy]$ ls [Sarah@localhost galaxy]$ sh run.sh Initializing config/migrated_tools_conf.xml from migrated_tools_conf.xml.sample Initializing config/shed_tool_conf.xml from shed_tool_conf.xml.sample Initializing config/shed_tool_data_table_conf.xml from shed_tool_data_table_conf.xml.sample Initializing config/shed_data_manager_conf.xml from shed_data_manager_conf.xml.sample Initializing tool-data/shared/ucsc/builds.txt from builds.txt.sample Initializing tool-data/shared/ucsc/manual_builds.txt from manual_builds.txt.sample Initializing tool-data/shared/ucsc/ucsc_build_sites.txt from ucsc_build_sites.txt.sample Initializing tool-data/shared/igv/igv_build_sites.txt from igv_build_sites.txt.sample Initializing tool-data/shared/rviewer/rviewer_build_sites.txt from rviewer_build_sites.txt.sample Initializing static/welcome.html from welcome.html.sample Fetching https://pypi.python.org/packages/source/v/virtualenv/virtualenv-13.1.2.tar.gz % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 100 1679k 100 1679k 0 0 641k 0 0:00:02 0:00:02 --:--:-- 641k Verifying /tmp/galaxy-virtualenv-MPVzTy/virtualenv-13.1.2.tar.gz checksum is aabc8ef18cddbd8a2a9c7f92bc43e2fea54b1147330d65db920ef3ce9812e3dc New python executable in .venv/bin/python Installing setuptools, pip, wheel...done. Activating virtualenv at .venv Collecting pip>=8.1 Downloading pip-9.0.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl (1.3MB) 100% |████████████████████████████████| 1.3MB 374kB/s ..... Starting server in PID 4330. serving on * Cliquer sur l'http fournit pour visualiser votre instance locale de Galaxy. * Attention, pour les autres restarts, afin de ne pas recréer une base de données, veuillez ne pas utiliser sh run.sh mais ./rolling_restart.sh & ******************************************************************************** Ajout du tool "%GC content" dans votre instance locale / ou compte fleur ******************************************************************************** Récupérer le code du wrapper%GC content Source des infos: https://wiki.galaxyproject.org/Admin/Tools/AddToolTutorial 1. Write and test your tool outside Galaxy: Suppose one has written a simple Perl script (called toolExample.pl) for computing the GC content of a sequence in the FASTA format, which looks like this: #!/usr/bin/perl -w # usage : perl toolExample.pl open (IN, "<$ARGV[0]"); open (OUT, ">$ARGV[1]"); while () { chop; if (m/^>/) { s/^>//; if ($. > 1) { print OUT sprintf("%.3f", $gc/$length) . "\n"; } $gc = 0; $length = 0; } else { ++$gc while m/[gc]/ig; $length += length $_; } } print OUT sprintf("%.3f", $gc/$length) . "\n"; close( IN ); close( OUT ); To integrate this tool into Galaxy we will follow these steps: 2. Put tool into Galaxy's tools directory: To begin the tool integration process we need to add our Perl script to the tools/ directory, where all tool-related files are stored. In this example we will create a new subdirectory called myTools within tools/. So cd to your Galaxy installation and type these commands: 1 cd tools 2 mkdir myTools 3 cd myTools Now one needs to copy the script (in this case toolExample.pl) into the tools/myTools/ directory. 3. Create Tool Definition File: At this point toolExample.pl resides within the tools/myTools/ directory, but Galaxy still does not know how to run this tool. To let Galaxy know the execution details of our new tool, we need to write a tool configuration file, which, in this case, will be called toolExample.xml. For this particular example open a text editor of your choice and create the toolExample.xml file within the tools/myTools directory. This file looks like this: for each sequence in a file toolExample.pl $input $output This tool computes GC content from a FASTA file. Note how this file specifies command line parameters, links them to input and output, and provides help information using the restructured text format. Once you are done, the tools/myTools directory will contain two files toolExample.pl and toolExample.xml. For basic and general tool definition file please see Example Tool Definiton File. Once you feel comfortable with the basics you can browse through the full tool definition syntax. 4. Make Galaxy aware of the new tool: REMARQUE : cp tool_conf.xml.sample tool_conf.xml !! Now the tool and its configuration file are ready. The final step makes Galaxy aware of the new tools. Galaxy knows about installed tools (and also what to display on the left pane) from the tool_conf.xml tool-registry file. Thus, letting Galaxy know about our new tool is as easy as adding these lines to the tool_conf.xml file located in the config directory of the Galaxy distribution:
5. Start it up: At this point, start Galaxy by typing sh rolling_restart.sh from within Galaxy's root directory and point your browser to http://localhost:8080. ******************************************************************************** Tester tool%GC content ******************************************************************************** 1 - Tester %GC content via l'interface web Galaxy avec un fasta contenant une séquence puis avec un fasta contenant plusieurs séquences. Des données de tests sont disponibles depuis : http://genoweb.toulouse.inra.fr/~sigenae/Galaxy_Formation/test-data/ 2 - Tester le wrapper en ligne de commande depuis votre terminal dans /tools/MyTools/ : perl %GC.pl args POur savoir comment est lançée cette ligne de commande perl, n'hésitez pas à vous reporter au tag de votre xml. 3- Ajouter des print STDOUT dans %GC.pl; lancer l'outil dans Galaxy; observer le contenu du stdout depuis l'icône i de votre dataset. Dans cet stdout, vous pouvez ajouter la version de vos outils bioinformatiques ou les étapes de traitement, à destination des biologistes. 4- Regarder le contenu de votre fichier galaxy/database/ ******************************************************************************** Le fameux pont R ******************************************************************************** Rbin path $r_bin = '/usr/local/bioinfo/src/R/current/bin/R'; #Log dir $log_dir = $working_dir; #déaration de l'objet $R et ouverture du pont : $R = Statistics::R->new( "r_bin" => $r_bin, "log_dir" => $log_dir, ) or die "Problem with R : $!\n"; Ouverture du pont $R->startR; #envoi du repertoire de travail $R->send( qq` setwd("$working_dir") `); #Read R script $cmd=""; open IN,"< $script_dir/Graphics_desc.R" or die "Unable to read R script : $!\n"; while ($line=) { $cmd.=$line; } close(IN); #Declare R function $R->send($cmd);