use strict; use warnings; package App::Cmd::Command::commands; $App::Cmd::Command::commands::VERSION = '0.331'; use App::Cmd::Command; BEGIN { our @ISA = 'App::Cmd::Command' }; # ABSTRACT: list the application's commands #pod =head1 DESCRIPTION #pod #pod This command will list all of the application commands available and their #pod abstracts. #pod #pod =method execute #pod #pod This is the command's primary method and raison d'etre. It prints the #pod application's usage text (if any) followed by a sorted listing of the #pod application's commands and their abstracts. #pod #pod The commands are printed in sorted groups (created by C); each #pod group is set off by blank lines. #pod #pod =cut sub execute { my ($self, $opt, $args) = @_; my $target = $opt->stderr ? *STDERR : *STDOUT; my @cmd_groups = $self->app->command_groups; my @primary_commands = map { @$_ if ref $_ } @cmd_groups; if (!@cmd_groups) { @primary_commands = grep { $_ ne 'version' or $self->app->{show_version} } map { ($_->command_names)[0] } $self->app->command_plugins; @cmd_groups = $self->sort_commands(@primary_commands); } my $fmt_width = 0; for (@primary_commands) { $fmt_width = length if length > $fmt_width } $fmt_width += 2; # pretty foreach my $cmd_set (@cmd_groups) { if (!ref $cmd_set) { print { $target } "$cmd_set:\n"; next; } for my $command (@$cmd_set) { my $abstract = $self->app->plugin_for($command)->abstract; printf { $target } "%${fmt_width}s: %s\n", $command, $abstract; } print { $target } "\n"; } } #pod =method C #pod #pod my @sorted = $cmd->sort_commands(@unsorted); #pod #pod This method orders the list of commands into groups which it returns as a list of #pod arrayrefs, and optional group header strings. #pod #pod By default, the first group is for the "help" and "commands" commands, and all #pod other commands are in the second group. #pod #pod This method can be overridden by implementing the C method in #pod your application base clase. #pod #pod =cut sub sort_commands { my ($self, @commands) = @_; my $float = qr/^(?:help|commands)$/; my @head = sort grep { $_ =~ $float } @commands; my @tail = sort grep { $_ !~ $float } @commands; return (\@head, \@tail); } sub opt_spec { return ( [ 'stderr' => 'hidden' ], ); } 1; __END__ =pod =encoding UTF-8 =head1 NAME App::Cmd::Command::commands - list the application's commands =head1 VERSION version 0.331 =head1 DESCRIPTION This command will list all of the application commands available and their abstracts. =head1 METHODS =head2 execute This is the command's primary method and raison d'etre. It prints the application's usage text (if any) followed by a sorted listing of the application's commands and their abstracts. The commands are printed in sorted groups (created by C); each group is set off by blank lines. =head2 C my @sorted = $cmd->sort_commands(@unsorted); This method orders the list of commands into groups which it returns as a list of arrayrefs, and optional group header strings. By default, the first group is for the "help" and "commands" commands, and all other commands are in the second group. This method can be overridden by implementing the C method in your application base clase. =head1 AUTHOR Ricardo Signes =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2016 by Ricardo Signes. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself. =cut