import os import sys import filepaths script_path = filepaths.determine_path() working_directory = os.getcwd() path = script_path def catProteins(filename,afile): with open(afile, 'r') as f: data = f.readlines() f.close() with open(working_directory+'/'+filename+'.contig.fsa', 'w') as wf: startrecord = False for eachline in data: if eachline == '': pass elif eachline[0:18] == "Model information:": startrecord = False elif startrecord: if eachline[0] == '>': print>>wf, eachline.replace('\t>', '|').strip().lstrip() else: if eachline.strip() != "": print>>wf, eachline.strip() elif eachline[0:19] == "Predicted proteins:": startrecord = True wf.close() def main(argvfile, clean): filename = os.path.basename(argvfile) os.system(path+"/mgm/gmhmmp -r -m "+path+"/mgm/MetaGeneMark_v1.mod -o "+working_directory+"/"+filename+".draft -a " + argvfile) catProteins(filename,working_directory +"/"+filename+".draft") if clean == "yes": os.remove(working_directory +"/"+filename+".draft") if __name__ == '__main__': main(sys.argv[1],sys.argv[2])