import sys import os import filepaths from Bio import SeqIO from Bio.Seq import Seq import json ''' Bacteria (70S) LSU 50S 5S RF00001 23S SILVA-LSU-Bac SSU 30S 16S RF00177 ''' ''' Step 1: get rRNA coordinates using barrnap Step 2: extract rRNA sequences Step 3: blast and report for mutations in CARD ''' script_path = filepaths.determine_path() working_directory = os.getcwd() path = script_path+"/_db/" data_path = script_path+"/_data/" tmp = script_path+"/_tmp/" def rRNA(fq_path,start,stop,strand): try: sequence =, "fasta") return str(sequence.seq[int(start):int(stop)]) except Exception as e: print "Error: ",e, ".Please input only one record / sequence" return "" def rRNA_list(fq_path,file_name): list_all = {} list_all["5s"] = [] list_all["16s"] = [] list_all["23s"] = [] # get rRNA os.system('barrnap --reject 1e-9 --quiet --kingdom bac '+fq_path+' > '+file_name+'.gff3') # --incseq # scan file and get sequence and coordinates with open(working_directory+'/'+file_name+'.gff3', 'r') as f: data = f.readlines() for eachline in data: if eachline == '': pass elif eachline[0:13] == '##gff-version': pass elif 'Name=5S_rRNA;product=5S ribosomal RNA' in eachline: list_5s = eachline.split("\t") list_all["5s"].append({"start": list_5s[3], "stop": list_5s[4], "strand": str(list_5s[6]), "sequence": rRNA(fq_path,list_5s[3],list_5s[4],list_5s[6])}) elif 'Name=16S_rRNA;product=16S ribosomal RNA' in eachline: list_16s = eachline.split("\t") list_all["16s"].append({"start": list_16s[3], "stop": list_16s[4], "strand": str(list_16s[6]), "sequence": rRNA(fq_path,list_16s[3],list_16s[4],list_16s[6])}) elif 'Name=23S_rRNA;product=23S ribosomal RNA' in eachline: list_23s = eachline.split("\t") list_all["23s"].append({"start": list_23s[3], "stop": list_23s[4], "strand": str(list_23s[6]), "sequence": rRNA(fq_path,list_23s[3],list_23s[4],list_23s[6])}) pjson = json.dumps(list_all) with open(working_directory+"/"+file_name+".rRNA.json", 'w') as f: print>>f, pjson f.close() def checkKeyExisted(key, my_dict): try: nonNone = my_dict[key] is not None except KeyError: nonNone = False return nonNone def writeFASTAfromJson(): noSeqList = [] if os.path.isfile(path+"nucleotidedb.fsa") == False: with open(data_path+"card.json") as json_file: json_data = json.load(json_file) with open (path+'nucleotidedb.fsa', 'w') as wp: for item in json_data: if item.isdigit(): if json_data[item]["model_type_id"] == "40295": snpList = "" pass_eval = 1e-30 if checkKeyExisted("model_param", json_data[item]): if checkKeyExisted("blastp_evalue", json_data[item]["model_param"]): pass_eval = json_data[item]["model_param"]["blastp_evalue"]["param_value"] if checkKeyExisted("snp", json_data[item]['model_param']): for key in json_data[item]['model_param']['snp']['param_value']: snpList += json_data[item]['model_param']['snp']['param_value'][key] snpList += ',' if checkKeyExisted("model_sequences", json_data[item]): for seqkey in json_data[item]["model_sequences"]["sequence"]: print>>wp, ('>' + item + '_' + seqkey + " | model_type_id: 40295" + " | pass_evalue: " + str(pass_eval) + " | SNP: " + snpList) print>>wp, (json_data[item]["model_sequences"]["sequence"][seqkey]["dna_sequence"]["sequence"]) else: noSeqList.append(item) json_file.close() print noSeqList def runDiamond(inType, inputSeq, threads, outputFile): cfilter = " --index-chunks 1 --block-size 1 --quiet" if inType == 'contig':"runDiamond => blastx")'runDiamond => diamond blastx --in '+path+'nucleotidedb.fsa --db '+path+'nucleotidedb.db'+' --query '+inputSeq+' --daa '+inputSeq+' --threads '+threads+' --salltitles --more-sensitive --evalue 10'+cfilter) os.system('diamond blastx --in '+path+'nucleotidedb.fsa --db '+path+'nucleotidedb.db'+' --query '+inputSeq+' --daa '+inputSeq+' --threads '+threads+' --salltitles --more-sensitive --evalue 10'+cfilter) else: print "Error"'runDiamond => diamond view --outfmt xml --daa '+inputSeq+'.daa --out '+outputFile + cfilter) os.system('diamond view --outfmt xml --daa '+inputSeq+'.daa --out '+outputFile + cfilter )'runDiamond => diamond view --daa '+inputSeq+'.daa --out '+outputFile+".txt" + cfilter) os.system('diamond view --daa '+inputSeq+'.daa --out '+outputFile+".txt" + cfilter ) #clean_files.append(inputSeq+'.daa') #clean_files.append(outputFile+'.txt') def runBlast(inputSeq,threads): file_name = os.path.basename(inputSeq) os.system("blastn -perc_identity 0.10 -out blastnRes.xml -outfmt 5 -query " + inputSeq + " -db "+path+"dna.db") def makeDiamondDB(): if os.path.isfile(path+"nucleotidedb.fsa") == True and os.path.exists(path+"nucleotidedb.fsa") == True and os.path.exists(path+"nucleotidedb.db.dmnd") == True: print "diamond DB exists" else: print "create diamond DB." os.system('diamond makedb --in '+path+'nucleotidedb.fsa --db '+path+'nucleotidedb.db') def makeBlastDB(): if os.path.isfile(path+"nucleotidedb.fsa") == True and os.path.exists(path+"nucleotidedb.fsa") == True and os.path.exists(path+"dna.db.phr") == True and os.path.exists(path+"") == True and os.path.exists(path+"dna.db.psq") == True : print "blast DB exists" else: print "create blast DB." os.system('makeblastdb -in '+path+'nucleotidedb.fsa -dbtype nucl -out '+path+'dna.db') #os.system('makeblastdb -in proteindb.fsa -dbtype prot -out protein.db') def main(argvfile): exit("In development...") #file_name = os.path.basename(argvfile) # get rRNA sequences #rRNA_list(argvfile,file_name) #rRNA(argvfile,0,1,'+') #writeFASTAfromJson() #makeDiamondDB() #runDiamond('contig', argvfile, '8', file_name) #makeBlastDB() #runBlast(argvfile,8) if __name__ == "__main__": main(sys.argv[1])