# Exception raised when a parse error happens in processing a Newick tree class NewickParseError < RuntimeError end # Represents a token (substring with meaning) in a Newick parse class NewickToken # semantic meaning of token (label, weight, etc.) attr_reader :type # string value of token attr_reader :value def initialize(type, value) @type = type @value = value end end # Splits a Newick tree string into tokens that NewickTree uses class NewickTokenizer def initialize(str) @str = str @pos = 0 end # returns the next character in the string and updates position def nextChar if (@pos < @str.size) c = @str[@pos].chr @pos += 1 return c else return nil end end # returns the next token in the string and updates position def nextToken c = nextChar if (c == " " || c == "\n" || c == "\r") return nextToken elsif (c == "(" || c == ")" || c == ',') return NewickToken.new("SYMBOL", c) elsif (c == ":") if (@str.index((/([0-9|\.|\-|e|E]+)/), @pos) == @pos) @pos += $1.length return NewickToken.new("WEIGHT", $1) else raise NewickParseError, "Illegal weight at pos #{@pos} of #{@str}" end elsif (c == "'") if (@str.index(/(\'[^\']*\')/, @pos - 1) == @pos - 1) @pos += $1.length - 1 return NewickToken.new("LABEL", $1) else raise NewickParseError, "Illegal label at pos #{@pos} of #{@str}" end elsif (@str.index(/([^,():]+)/, @pos - 1) == @pos - 1) @pos += $1.length - 1 return NewickToken.new("LABEL", $1) end end # returms the next token in the string without changing position def peekToken origPos = @pos token = nextToken @pos = origPos return token end end # Represents a single node in a NewickTree class NewickNode # parent node of node attr :parent, true # edge length of node attr :edgeLen, true # name of node attr :name, true # child nodes of node attr_reader :children # x position of node attr :x, true # y position of node attr :y, true def initialize(name, edgeLen) @parent = nil @name = name @edgeLen = edgeLen @children = [] end # adds child node to list of children and sets child's parent to self def addChild(child) child.parent = self @children.push(child) end # removes child node from list of children and sets child's parent to nil def removeChild(child) @children.delete(child) child.parent = nil end # returns string representation of node def to_s(showLen = true, bootStrap = "node") s = "" if (!leaf?) s += "(" @children.each do |child| s += child.to_s(showLen, bootStrap) s += "," if (child != @children.last) end s += ")" end if (leaf? || bootStrap == "node") s += @name end s += ":#{@edgeLen}" if (showLen && @edgeLen != 0) if (!leaf? && name.to_i > 0 && bootStrap == "branch") s += ":#{name}" end return s end # returns array of names of leaves (taxa) that are contained in the node def taxa(bootstrap = false) taxa = [] if (!leaf?) taxa.push(@name) if (bootstrap) @children.each do |child| child.taxa.each do |taxon| taxa.push(taxon) end end else taxa.push(name) end return taxa.sort end # returns array of leaves (taxa) are contained in the node def leaves nodes = [] descendants.each do |node| nodes.push(node) if (node.leaf?) end return nodes end # returns array of non leaves (taxa) that are contained in the node def intNodes nodes = [] descendants.each do |child| nodes.push(child) if (!child.leaf?) end return nodes end # returns node with given name, or nil if not found def findNode(name, exact=false) found = nil if (exact && @name==name) || (!exact && @name =~/#{name}/) found = self else @children.each do |child| found = child.findNode(name, exact) break if found end end return found end # reverses the parent-child relationship (used in rerooting tree) def reverseChildParent return if (@parent.nil?) oldParent = @parent oldParent.removeChild(self) if (!oldParent.parent.nil?) oldParent.reverseChildParent end addChild(oldParent) oldParent.edgeLen = @edgeLen @edgeLen = 0 end # True if given node is child (or grandchild, etc.) of self. False otherwise def include?(node) while(node.parent != nil) return true if (node.parent == self) node = node.parent end return false end # True if node has no children (and therefore is a leaf) def leaf? if (@children.empty?) return true else return false end end # returns array of all descendant nodes def descendants descendants = [] @children.each do |child| descendants.push(child) child.descendants.each do |grandchild| descendants.push(grandchild) end end return descendants end # return array of all sibling nodes def siblings siblings = [] if (parent.nil?) return siblings else @parent.children.each do |child| siblings.push(child) if (child!=self) end return siblings end end # reorders descendant nodes alphabetically and by size def reorder return if (@children.empty?) @children.sort! {|x, y| x.name <=> y.name} @children.each do |child| child.reorder end return self end # returns the last common ancestor node of self and given node def lca(node) if (self.include?(node)) return self elsif (node.include?(self)) return node else return @parent.lca(node) end end # returns the distance to the ancestor node def distToAncestor(ancestor) dist = 0 node = self while(node != ancestor) dist += node.edgeLen node = node.parent end return dist end # returns number of nodes to the ancestor node def nodesToAncestor(ancestor) if (!ancestor.include?(self)) return nil elsif (ancestor == self) return 0 elsif (ancestor == @parent) return 1 else return 1 + @parent.nodesToAncestor(ancestor) end end # returns number of nodes to other node def nodesToNode(node) lca = lca(node) if (lca == self) return node.nodesToAncestor(self) elsif (lca == node) return nodesToAncestor(node) else return nodesToAncestor(lca) + node.nodesToAncestor(lca) end end # calculates node Y positions def calcYPos ySum = 0 @children.each do |child| ySum += child.y end @y = ySum / @children.size end # calculates node X positions def calcXPos if (parent.nil?) @x = 0 else #@edgeLen = 1 if (@edgeLen == 0) @x = parent.x + @edgeLen end if (!leaf?) @children.each do |child| child.calcXPos end end end # returns the maximum X value in node def xMax xMax = 0 children.each do |child| xMax = child.edgeLen if (child.x > xMax) end return xMax end # returns the maximum Y value in node def yMax yMax = 0 children.each do |child| yMax = child.y if (child.y > yMax) end return yMax end # returns the minimum Y value in node def yMin yMin = 1e6 children.each do |child| yMin = child.y if (child.y < yMin) end return yMin end end class NewickTree attr_reader :root def initialize(treeString) tokenizer = NewickTokenizer.new(treeString) @root = buildTree(nil, tokenizer) end # create new NewickTree from tree stored in file def NewickTree.fromFile(fileName) treeString = "" inFile = File.new(fileName) inFile.each do |line| treeString += line.chomp end inFile.close treeString.gsub!(/\[[^\]]*\]/,"") # remove comments before parsing return NewickTree.new(treeString) end # internal function used for building tree structure from string def buildTree(parent, tokenizer) while (!(token = tokenizer.nextToken).nil?) if (token.type == "LABEL") name = token.value edgeLen = 0 if (tokenizer.peekToken.type == "WEIGHT") edgeLen = tokenizer.nextToken.value.to_f end node = NewickNode.new(name, edgeLen) return node elsif (token.value == "(") node = NewickNode.new("", 0) forever = true while (forever) child = buildTree(node, tokenizer) node.addChild(child) break if tokenizer.peekToken.value != "," tokenizer.nextToken end if (tokenizer.nextToken.value != ")") raise NewickParseError, "Expected ')' but found: #{token.value}" else peek = tokenizer.peekToken if (peek.value == ")" || peek.value == "," || peek.value == ";") return node elsif (peek.type == "WEIGHT") node.edgeLen = tokenizer.nextToken.value.to_f return node elsif (peek.type == "LABEL") token = tokenizer.nextToken node.name = token.value if (tokenizer.peekToken.type == "WEIGHT") node.edgeLen = tokenizer.nextToken.value.to_f end return node end end else raise NewickParseError, "Expected '(' or label but found: #{token.value}" end end end # return string representation of tree def to_s(showLen = true, bootStrap = "node") return @root.to_s(showLen, bootStrap) + ";" end # write string representation of tree to file def write(fileName, showLen = true, bootStrap = "node") file = File.new(fileName, "w") file.print @root.to_s(showLen, bootStrap) + ";\n" file.close end # reorders leaves alphabetically and size def reorder @root.reorder return self end # renames nodes and creates an alias file, returning aliased tree and hash def alias(aliasFile = nil, longAlias = false) ali = Hash.new aliF = File.new(aliasFile, "w") if (!aliasFile.nil?) if (longAlias) taxon = "SEQ" + "0"* taxa.sort {|x,y| x.length <=> y.length}.last.length else taxon = "SEQ0000001" end @root.descendants.each do |node| if (node.name != "" && node.name.to_i == 0) ali[taxon] = node.name aliF.printf("%s\t%s\n", taxon, node.name) if (!aliasFile.nil?) node.name = taxon.dup taxon.succ! end end aliF.close if (!aliasFile.nil?) return self, ali end # renames nodes according to alias hash def unAlias(aliasNames) @root.descendants.each do |node| node.name = aliasNames[node.name] if (!aliasNames[node.name].nil?) end return self end # renames nodes according to inverse alias hash def reAlias(aliasNames) @root.descendants.each do |node| aliasNames.keys.each do |key| node.name = key if (aliasNames[key] == node.name) end end return self end # return array of all taxa in tree def taxa return @root.taxa end # returns a 2D hash of pairwise distances on tree def distanceMatrix(verbose = nil) dMatrix = Hash.new leaves = root.leaves num = (leaves.size)**2 numpercent = num/100 count = 0 leaves.each do |leaf1| dMatrix[leaf1.name] = Hash.new leaves.each do |leaf2| count += 1 if (verbose && count % numpercent == 0) STDERR.printf("Processing %s %s (%d of %d)\n", leaf1.name, leaf2.name, count, num) end if (leaf1 == leaf2) dMatrix[leaf1.name][leaf2.name] = 0.0 else lca = leaf1.lca(leaf2) dMatrix[leaf1.name][leaf2.name] = leaf1.distToAncestor(lca) + leaf2.distToAncestor(lca) end end end return dMatrix end # returns lists of clades different between two trees def compare(tree) tree1 = self.dup.unroot tree2 = tree.dup.unroot diff1 = [] diff2 = [] if (tree1.taxa == tree2.taxa) clades1 = tree1.clades clades2 = tree2.clades clades1.each do |clade| if (!clades2.include?(clade)) diff1.push(clade) end end clades2.each do |clade| if (!clades1.include?(clade)) diff2.push(clade) end end else raise NewickParseError, "The trees have different taxa!" end return diff1, diff2 end # return node with the given name, exactly if second argument true def findNode(name, exact=false) return @root.findNode(name, exact) end # unroot the tree def unroot if (@root.children.size != 2) return self # already unrooted end left, right = @root.children left, right = right, left if (right.leaf?) # don't uproot leaf side left.edgeLen += right.edgeLen right.children.each do |child| @root.addChild(child) end @root.removeChild(right) return self end # root the tree on a given node def reroot(node) unroot left = node right = left.parent right.removeChild(node) right.reverseChildParent if (left.edgeLen != 0) right.edgeLen = left.edgeLen / 2.0 left.edgeLen = right.edgeLen end @root = NewickNode.new("", 0) @root.addChild(left) @root.addChild(right) return self end # returns the two most distant leaves and their distance apart def mostDistantLeaves greatestDist = 0 dist = Hash.new org1, org2 = nil, nil @root.leaves.each do |node1| @root.leaves.each do |node2| dist[node1] = Hash.new if dist[node1].nil? dist[node2] = Hash.new if dist[node2].nil? next if (!dist[node1][node2].nil?) lca = node1.lca(node2) dist[node1][node2] = node1.distToAncestor(lca) + node2.distToAncestor(lca) dist[node2][node1] = dist[node1][node2] if (dist[node1][node2] > greatestDist) org1 = node1 org2 = node2 greatestDist = dist[node1][node2] end end end return org1, org2, greatestDist end # add EC numbers from alignment def addECnums(alignFile) ec = Hash.new File.new(alignFile).each do |line| if (line =~ /^>/) definition = line.chomp[1..line.length] name = definition.split(" ").first if (definition =~ /\[EC:([0-9|\.]*)/) ec[name] = name + "_" + $1 end end end unAlias(ec) end # root the tree on midpoint distance def midpointRoot unroot org1, org2, dist = mostDistantLeaves midDist = dist / 2.0 return self if (midDist == 0) if (org1.distToAncestor(@root) > org2.distToAncestor(@root)) node = org1 else node = org2 end distTraveled = 0 while(!node.nil?) distTraveled += node.edgeLen break if (distTraveled >= midDist) node = node.parent end oldDist = node.edgeLen left, right = node, node.parent right.removeChild(node) right.reverseChildParent left.edgeLen = distTraveled - midDist right.edgeLen = oldDist - left.edgeLen @root = NewickNode.new("", 0) @root.addChild(left) @root.addChild(right) return self end # returns array of arrays representing the tree clades def clades(bootstrap = false) clades = [] @root.descendants.each do |clade| clades.push(clade.taxa(bootstrap)) if (!clade.children.empty?) end return clades end # add bootstrap values (given in clade arrays) to a tree def addBootStrap(bootClades) @root.descendants.each do |clade| next if clade.leaf? bootClades.each do |bClade| boot, rest = bClade.first, bClade[1..bClade.size - 1] if (rest == clade.taxa ) # same clade found clade.name = boot end end end end # return array of arrays of taxa representing relatives at each level def relatives(taxon) node = findNode(taxon) if (node.nil?) return nil else relatives = [] while(!node.parent.nil?) relatives.push(node.parent.taxa - node.taxa) node = node.parent end return relatives end end # Fixes PHYLIP's mistake of using branch lengths and not node values def fixPhylip @root.descendants.each do |child| br = child.edgeLen.to_i child.edgeLen = 0 if (br > 0 && !child.leaf?) child.name = br.to_s end end end # calculates leaf node positions (backwards from leaves, given spacing) def calcPos(yUnit) yPos = 0.25 @root.reorder leaves = @root.leaves.sort {|x, y| x.nodesToNode(y) <=> y.nodesToNode(x)} leaves.each do |leaf| leaf.y = yPos yPos += yUnit end nodes = @root.intNodes.sort{|x, y| y.nodesToAncestor(@root) <=> x.nodesToAncestor(@root)} nodes.each do |node| node.calcYPos end @root.calcYPos @root.calcXPos nodes = @root.intNodes.sort{|x, y| x.nodesToAncestor(@root) <=> y.nodesToAncestor(@root)} nodes.each do |node| @root.calcXPos # (forwards from root) end end # function to generate gi link to ncbi for draw, below def giLink(entry) ncbiLink = "http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/" protLink = "viewer.fcgi?db=protein&val=" if (entry =~ /^gi[\_]*([0-9]*)/ || entry =~ /(^[A-Z|0-9]*)\|/) return ncbiLink + protLink + $1 else return nil end end # returns PDF representation of branching structure of tree def draw(pdfFile, boot="width", linker = :giLink, labelName = false, highlights = Hash.new, brackets = nil, rawNames = false, goodBoot = 75) colors = {"goldenrod4"=>[139, 105, 20], "lightcyan"=>[224, 255, 255], "rosybrown1"=>[255, 193, 193], "sienna1"=>[255, 130, 71], "lavender"=>[230, 230, 250], "rosybrown2"=>[238, 180, 180], "wheat1"=>[255, 231, 186], "linen"=>[250, 240, 230], "beige"=>[245, 245, 220], "sienna2"=>[238, 121, 66], "paleturquoise1"=>[187, 255, 255], "pink1"=>[255, 181, 197], "wheat2"=>[238, 216, 174], "violetred"=>[208, 32, 144], "palegreen"=>[152, 251, 152], "gray50"=>[127, 127, 127], "rosybrown3"=>[205, 155, 155], "sienna3"=>[205, 104, 57], "paleturquoise2"=>[174, 238, 238], "green1"=>[0, 255, 0], "pink2"=>[238, 169, 184], "wheat3"=>[205, 186, 150], "lightskyblue1"=>[176, 226, 255], "gray51"=>[130, 130, 130], "rosybrown4"=>[139, 105, 105], "sienna4"=>[139, 71, 38], "paleturquoise3"=>[150, 205, 205], "green2"=>[0, 238, 0], "pink3"=>[205, 145, 158], "wheat4"=>[139, 126, 102], "lightskyblue2"=>[164, 211, 238], "yellow1"=>[255, 255, 0], "sgilightgray"=>[170, 170, 170], "paleturquoise4"=>[102, 139, 139], "green3"=>[0, 205, 0], "pink4"=>[139, 99, 108], "lightskyblue3"=>[141, 182, 205], "yellow2"=>[238, 238, 0], "gray52"=>[133, 133, 133], "mediumorchid"=>[186, 85, 211], "green4"=>[0, 139, 0], "lightskyblue4"=>[96, 123, 139], "ivory1"=>[255, 255, 240], "yellow3"=>[205, 205, 0], "plum1"=>[255, 187, 255], "lightblue1"=>[191, 239, 255], "seashell1"=>[255, 245, 238], "gray53"=>[135, 135, 135], "ivory2"=>[238, 238, 224], "violetred1"=>[255, 62, 150], "plum2"=>[238, 174, 238], "lightblue2"=>[178, 223, 238], "seashell2"=>[238, 229, 222], "gray54"=>[138, 138, 138], "white"=>[255, 255, 255], "mediumslateblue"=>[123, 104, 238], "ivory3"=>[205, 205, 193], "yellow4"=>[139, 139, 0], "lightcyan1"=>[224, 255, 255], "plum3"=>[205, 150, 205], "lightslateblue"=>[132, 112, 255], "lightblue3"=>[154, 192, 205], "seashell3"=>[205, 197, 191], "gray55"=>[140, 140, 140], "ivory4"=>[139, 139, 131], "lightcyan2"=>[209, 238, 238], "violetred2"=>[238, 58, 140], "peru"=>[205, 133, 63], "lightblue4"=>[104, 131, 139], "seashell4"=>[139, 134, 130], "gray56"=>[143, 143, 143], "flesh"=>[255, 125, 64], "lightcyan3"=>[180, 205, 205], "violetred3"=>[205, 50, 120], "plum4"=>[139, 102, 139], "lightblue"=>[173, 216, 230], "gray57"=>[145, 145, 145], "coral"=>[255, 127, 80], "cadmiumorange"=>[255, 97, 3], "khaki1"=>[255, 246, 143], "lightcyan4"=>[122, 139, 139], "violetred4"=>[139, 34, 82], "lightslategray"=>[119, 136, 153], "gray58"=>[148, 148, 148], "sgigray32"=>[81, 81, 81], "khaki2"=>[238, 230, 133], "dodgerblue1"=>[30, 144, 255], "lavenderblush1"=>[255, 240, 245], "gray59"=>[150, 150, 150], "khaki3"=>[205, 198, 115], "dodgerblue2"=>[28, 134, 238], "lavenderblush2"=>[238, 224, 229], "banana"=>[227, 207, 87], "khaki4"=>[139, 134, 78], "dodgerblue3"=>[24, 116, 205], "lavenderblush3"=>[205, 193, 197], "cyan2"=>[0, 238, 238], "cadetblue"=>[95, 158, 160], "cadmiumyellow"=>[255, 153, 18], "mediumpurple"=>[147, 112, 219], "dodgerblue4"=>[16, 78, 139], "lavenderblush4"=>[139, 131, 134], "cyan3"=>[0, 205, 205], "silver"=>[192, 192, 192], "sgigray36"=>[91, 91, 91], "cyan4"=>[0, 139, 139], "deeppink1"=>[255, 20, 147], "burntumber"=>[138, 51, 36], "deeppink2"=>[238, 18, 137], "aliceblue"=>[240, 248, 255], "rosybrown"=>[188, 143, 143], "aquamarine"=>[127, 255, 212], "plum"=>[221, 160, 221], "deeppink3"=>[205, 16, 118], "darkgoldenrod"=>[184, 134, 11], "darkslategray1"=>[151, 255, 255], "chartreuse1"=>[127, 255, 0], "deeppink4"=>[139, 10, 80], "antiquewhite"=>[250, 235, 215], "darkslategray2"=>[141, 238, 238], "chartreuse2"=>[118, 238, 0], "darkslategray3"=>[121, 205, 205], "raspberry"=>[135, 38, 87], "chartreuse3"=>[102, 205, 0], "darkslategray4"=>[82, 139, 139], "chartreuse4"=>[69, 139, 0], "lightsalmon"=>[255, 160, 122], "warmgrey"=>[128, 128, 105], "cobalt"=>[61, 89, 171], "pink"=>[255, 192, 203], "orangered"=>[255, 69, 0], "indianred"=>[205, 92, 92], "palegreen1"=>[154, 255, 154], "red1"=>[255, 0, 0], "darkorange1"=>[255, 127, 0], "palegreen2"=>[144, 238, 144], "darkorchid"=>[153, 50, 204], "red2"=>[238, 0, 0], "darkorange2"=>[238, 118, 0], "palegreen3"=>[124, 205, 124], "goldenrod"=>[218, 165, 32], "red3"=>[205, 0, 0], "tomato1"=>[255, 99, 71], "yellowgreen"=>[154, 205, 50], "darkorange3"=>[205, 102, 0], "palegreen4"=>[84, 139, 84], "gray30"=>[77, 77, 77], "red4"=>[139, 0, 0], "tomato2"=>[238, 92, 66], "darkorange4"=>[139, 69, 0], "antiquewhite1"=>[255, 239, 219], "gray31"=>[79, 79, 79], "brown"=>[165, 42, 42], "tomato3"=>[205, 79, 57], "thistle1"=>[255, 225, 255], "antiquewhite2"=>[238, 223, 204], "darkolivegreen1"=>[202, 255, 112], "gray32"=>[82, 82, 82], "gray80"=>[204, 204, 204], "tomato4"=>[139, 54, 38], "sepia"=>[94, 38, 18], "thistle2"=>[238, 210, 238], "deepskyblue"=>[0, 191, 255], "antiquewhite3"=>[205, 192, 176], "darkolivegreen2"=>[188, 238, 104], "cornflowerblue"=>[100, 149, 237], "gray33"=>[84, 84, 84], "gray81"=>[207, 207, 207], "thistle3"=>[205, 181, 205], "peachpuff"=>[255, 218, 185], "steelblue1"=>[99, 184, 255], "antiquewhite4"=>[139, 131, 120], "darkolivegreen3"=>[162, 205, 90], "gray34"=>[87, 87, 87], "gray82"=>[209, 209, 209], "maroon"=>[128, 0, 0], "thistle4"=>[139, 123, 139], "springgreen1"=>[0, 238, 118], "steelblue2"=>[92, 172, 238], "darkolivegreen4"=>[110, 139, 61], "gray35"=>[89, 89, 89], "gray83"=>[212, 212, 212], "springgreen2"=>[0, 205, 102], "steelblue3"=>[79, 148, 205], "steelblue"=>[70, 130, 180], "gray36"=>[92, 92, 92], "gray84"=>[214, 214, 214], "springgreen3"=>[0, 139, 69], "steelblue4"=>[54, 100, 139], "gray37"=>[94, 94, 94], "blue2"=>[0, 0, 238], "darkturquoise"=>[0, 206, 209], "gray38"=>[97, 97, 97], "gray85"=>[217, 217, 217], "sgigray12"=>[30, 30, 30], "blanchedalmond"=>[255, 235, 205], "violet"=>[238, 130, 238], "blue3"=>[0, 0, 205], "gray39"=>[99, 99, 99], "gray86"=>[219, 219, 219], "burlywood1"=>[255, 211, 155], "navy"=>[0, 0, 128], "darkviolet"=>[148, 0, 211], "blue4"=>[0, 0, 139], "gray87"=>[222, 222, 222], "burlywood2"=>[238, 197, 145], "floralwhite"=>[255, 250, 240], "turquoise"=>[64, 224, 208], "darkorange"=>[255, 140, 0], "gray88"=>[224, 224, 224], "burlywood3"=>[205, 170, 125], "gray89"=>[227, 227, 227], "dimgray"=>[105, 105, 105], "sgigray16"=>[40, 40, 40], "snow"=>[255, 250, 250], "burlywood4"=>[139, 115, 85], "mediumvioletred"=>[199, 21, 133], "seagreen"=>[46, 139, 87], "purple1"=>[155, 48, 255], "lightsteelblue1"=>[202, 225, 255], "purple2"=>[145, 44, 238], "orangered1"=>[255, 69, 0], "lightsteelblue2"=>[188, 210, 238], "purple3"=>[125, 38, 205], "cyan/aqua"=>[0, 255, 255], "orangered2"=>[238, 64, 0], "lightsteelblue3"=>[162, 181, 205], "purple4"=>[85, 26, 139], "orangered3"=>[205, 55, 0], "fuchsia"=>[255, 0, 255], "lightsteelblue4"=>[110, 123, 139], "mistyrose1"=>[255, 228, 225], "orangered4"=>[139, 37, 0], "darkorchid1"=>[191, 62, 255], "lemonchiffon1"=>[255, 250, 205], "mistyrose2"=>[238, 213, 210], "darkorchid2"=>[178, 58, 238], "lemonchiffon2"=>[238, 233, 191], "mistyrose3"=>[205, 183, 181], "royalblue"=>[65, 105, 225], "darkorchid3"=>[154, 50, 205], "lemonchiffon3"=>[205, 201, 165], "sgiolivedrab"=>[142, 142, 56], "mistyrose4"=>[139, 125, 123], "darkorchid4"=>[104, 34, 139], "peachpuff1"=>[255, 218, 185], "mediumseagreen"=>[60, 179, 113], "lemonchiffon4"=>[139, 137, 112], "lightgreen"=>[144, 238, 144], "peachpuff2"=>[238, 203, 173], "peachpuff3"=>[205, 175, 149], "peachpuff4"=>[139, 119, 101], "lightsteelblue"=>[176, 196, 222], "skyblue"=>[135, 206, 235], "gray10"=>[26, 26, 26], "magenta"=>[255, 0, 255], "turquoise1"=>[0, 245, 255], "gray11"=>[28, 28, 28], "turquoise2"=>[0, 229, 238], "chartreuse"=>[127, 255, 0], "navajowhite"=>[255, 222, 173], "ghostwhite"=>[248, 248, 255], "gray12"=>[31, 31, 31], "gray60"=>[153, 153, 153], "melon"=>[227, 168, 105], "turquoise3"=>[0, 197, 205], "gray13"=>[33, 33, 33], "gray61"=>[156, 156, 156], "coral1"=>[255, 114, 86], "turquoise4"=>[0, 134, 139], "gray14"=>[36, 36, 36], "gray62"=>[158, 158, 158], "sgiteal"=>[56, 142, 142], "coral2"=>[238, 106, 80], "honeydew"=>[240, 255, 240], "gray1"=>[3, 3, 3], "gray15"=>[38, 38, 38], "firebrick"=>[178, 34, 34], "coral3"=>[205, 91, 69], "lightpink"=>[255, 182, 193], "gray2"=>[5, 5, 5], "gray16"=>[41, 41, 41], "gray63"=>[161, 161, 161], "coral4"=>[139, 62, 47], "mediumblue"=>[0, 0, 205], "gray3"=>[8, 8, 8], "gray17"=>[43, 43, 43], "gray64"=>[163, 163, 163], "blueviolet"=>[138, 43, 226], "darkgreen"=>[0, 100, 0], "gray4"=>[10, 10, 10], "gray18"=>[46, 46, 46], "gray65"=>[166, 166, 166], "deepskyblue1"=>[0, 191, 255], "gray5"=>[13, 13, 13], "gray19"=>[48, 48, 48], "gray66"=>[168, 168, 168], "mediumspringgreen"=>[0, 250, 154], "darkkhaki"=>[189, 183, 107], "lightgoldenrodyellow"=>[250, 250, 210], "orange"=>[255, 128, 0], "deepskyblue2"=>[0, 178, 238], "gray6"=>[15, 15, 15], "gray67"=>[171, 171, 171], "mediumturquoise"=>[72, 209, 204], "deepskyblue3"=>[0, 154, 205], "turquoiseblue"=>[0, 199, 140], "gray7"=>[18, 18, 18], "gray68"=>[173, 173, 173], "orchid"=>[218, 112, 214], "burlywood"=>[222, 184, 135], "thistle"=>[216, 191, 216], "mediumpurple1"=>[171, 130, 255], 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201], "gold1"=>[255, 215, 0], "slateblue1"=>[131, 111, 255], "springgreen"=>[0, 255, 127], "ivoryblack"=>[41, 36, 33], "gold2"=>[238, 201, 0], "honeydew1"=>[240, 255, 240], "greenyellow"=>[173, 255, 47], "slateblue2"=>[122, 103, 238], "gainsboro"=>[220, 220, 220], "azure"=>[240, 255, 255], "gold3"=>[205, 173, 0], "oldlace"=>[253, 245, 230], "honeydew2"=>[224, 238, 224], "gold4"=>[139, 117, 0], "honeydew3"=>[193, 205, 193], "slateblue3"=>[105, 89, 205], "green"=>[0, 128, 0], "skyblue1"=>[135, 206, 255], "honeydew4"=>[131, 139, 131], "cadetblue1"=>[152, 245, 255], "slateblue4"=>[71, 60, 139], "sienna"=>[160, 82, 45], "darksalmon"=>[233, 150, 122], "skyblue2"=>[126, 192, 238], "cadetblue2"=>[142, 229, 238], "sapgreen"=>[48, 128, 20], "gray40"=>[102, 102, 102], "skyblue3"=>[108, 166, 205], "midnightblue"=>[25, 25, 112], "blue"=>[0, 0, 255], "cadetblue3"=>[122, 197, 205], "sgichartreuse"=>[113, 198, 113], "skyblue4"=>[74, 112, 139], "cadetblue4"=>[83, 134, 139], "lime"=>[0, 255, 0], "gray90"=>[229, 229, 229], "gray42"=>[105, 105, 105], "mistyrose"=>[255, 228, 225], "burntsienna"=>[138, 54, 15], "ivory"=>[255, 255, 240], "gray43"=>[110, 110, 110], "gray91"=>[232, 232, 232], "darkcyan"=>[0, 139, 139], "gray44"=>[112, 112, 112], "gray92"=>[235, 235, 235], "lawngreen"=>[124, 252, 0], "gray45"=>[115, 115, 115], "gray93"=>[237, 237, 237], "palevioletred1"=>[255, 130, 171], "saddlebrown"=>[139, 69, 19], "lavenderblush"=>[255, 240, 245], "gray46"=>[117, 117, 117], "gray94"=>[240, 240, 240], "palevioletred2"=>[238, 121, 159], "khaki"=>[240, 230, 140], "paleturquoise"=>[174, 238, 238], "gray47"=>[120, 120, 120], "gray95"=>[242, 242, 242], "carrot"=>[237, 145, 33], "palevioletred3"=>[205, 104, 137], "lightsalmon1"=>[255, 160, 122], "olivedrab"=>[107, 142, 35], "gray48"=>[122, 122, 122], "palevioletred4"=>[139, 71, 93], "wheat"=>[245, 222, 179], "lightsalmon2"=>[238, 149, 114], "powderblue"=>[176, 224, 230], "gray49"=>[125, 125, 125], "gray96"=>[245, 245, 245], "red"=>[255, 0, 0], "brown1"=>[255, 64, 64], "lightsalmon3"=>[205, 129, 98], "manganeseblue"=>[3, 168, 158], "gray97"=>[247, 247, 247], "brown2"=>[238, 59, 59], "lightsalmon4"=>[139, 87, 66], "olive"=>[128, 128, 0], "gray98"=>[250, 250, 250], "lightgrey"=>[211, 211, 211], "sgigray72"=>[183, 183, 183], "brown3"=>[205, 51, 51], "gold"=>[255, 215, 0], "mintcream"=>[245, 255, 250], "gray99"=>[252, 252, 252], "brown4"=>[139, 35, 35], "sgidarkgray"=>[85, 85, 85], "magenta2"=>[238, 0, 238], "sgigray76"=>[193, 193, 193], "magenta3"=>[205, 0, 205], "dodgerblue"=>[30, 144, 255], "magenta4"=>[139, 0, 139], "cobaltgreen"=>[61, 145, 64], "sgisalmon"=>[198, 113, 113], "emeraldgreen"=>[0, 201, 87], "sgibrightgray"=>[197, 193, 170], "darkred"=>[139, 0, 0], "rawsienna"=>[199, 97, 20], "seagreen1"=>[84, 255, 159], "lightyellow"=>[255, 255, 224], "olivedrab1"=>[192, 255, 62], "orchid1"=>[255, 131, 250], "seashell"=>[255, 245, 238], "seagreen2"=>[78, 238, 148], "bisque1"=>[255, 228, 196], "olivedrab2"=>[179, 238, 58], "orchid2"=>[238, 122, 233], "azure1"=>[240, 255, 255], "seagreen3"=>[67, 205, 128], "bisque2"=>[238, 213, 183], "whitesmoke"=>[245, 245, 245], "olivedrab3"=>[154, 205, 50], "orchid3"=>[205, 105, 201], "azure2"=>[224, 238, 238], "lightpink1"=>[255, 174, 185], "lightgoldenrod1"=>[255, 236, 139], "bisque3"=>[205, 183, 158], "olivedrab4"=>[105, 139, 34], "orchid4"=>[139, 71, 137], "purple"=>[128, 0, 128], "lemonchiffon"=>[255, 250, 205], "azure3"=>[193, 205, 205], "lightpink2"=>[238, 162, 173], "seagreen4"=>[46, 139, 87], "forestgreen"=>[34, 139, 34], "lightgoldenrod2"=>[238, 220, 130], "bisque4"=>[139, 125, 107], "sgislateblue"=>[113, 113, 198], "azure4"=>[131, 139, 139], "lightpink3"=>[205, 140, 149], "lightgoldenrod3"=>[205, 190, 112], "gray20"=>[51, 51, 51], "sgibeet"=>[142, 56, 142], "limegreen"=>[50, 205, 50], "orange1"=>[255, 165, 0], "lightpink4"=>[139, 95, 101], "lightgoldenrod4"=>[139, 129, 76], "gray21"=>[54, 54, 54], "orange2"=>[238, 154, 0], "gray22"=>[56, 56, 56], 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116], "gray78"=>[199, 199, 199], "sgigray52"=>[132, 132, 132], "indianred3"=>[205, 85, 85], "salmon"=>[250, 128, 114], "darkblue"=>[0, 0, 139], "lightyellow1"=>[255, 255, 224], "slategray2"=>[185, 211, 238], "chocolate2"=>[238, 118, 33], "gray79"=>[201, 201, 201], "indianred4"=>[139, 58, 58], "hotpink"=>[255, 105, 180], "brick"=>[156, 102, 31], "lightyellow2"=>[238, 238, 209], "slategray3"=>[159, 182, 205], "chocolate3"=>[205, 102, 29], "darkgray"=>[169, 169, 169], "lightyellow3"=>[205, 205, 180], "darkolivegreen"=>[85, 107, 47], "slategray4"=>[108, 123, 139], "chocolate4"=>[139, 69, 19], "salmon1"=>[255, 140, 105], "deeppink"=>[255, 20, 147], "indigo"=>[75, 0, 130], "darkslategray"=>[47, 79, 79], "navajowhite1"=>[255, 222, 173], "lightyellow4"=>[139, 139, 122], "royalblue1"=>[72, 118, 255], "slateblue"=>[106, 90, 205], "maroon1"=>[255, 52, 179], "sgigray56"=>[142, 142, 142], "salmon2"=>[238, 130, 98], "navajowhite2"=>[238, 207, 161], "coldgrey"=>[128, 138, 135], "royalblue2"=>[67, 110, 238], "cornsilk1"=>[255, 248, 220], "maroon2"=>[238, 48, 167], "salmon3"=>[205, 112, 84], "navajowhite3"=>[205, 179, 139], "royalblue3"=>[58, 95, 205], "cornsilk2"=>[238, 232, 205], "maroon3"=>[205, 41, 144], "slategray"=>[112, 128, 144], "salmon4"=>[139, 76, 57], "navajowhite4"=>[139, 121, 94], "royalblue4"=>[39, 64, 139], "darkseagreen1"=>[193, 255, 193], "cornsilk3"=>[205, 200, 177], "maroon4"=>[139, 28, 98], "hotpink1"=>[255, 110, 180], "mediumorchid1"=>[224, 102, 255], "darkseagreen2"=>[180, 238, 180], "cornsilk4"=>[139, 136, 120], "mint"=>[189, 252, 201], "hotpink2"=>[238, 106, 167], "sgilightblue"=>[125, 158, 192], "goldenrod1"=>[255, 193, 37], "mediumorchid2"=>[209, 95, 238], "darkseagreen3"=>[155, 205, 155], "hotpink3"=>[205, 96, 144], "goldenrod2"=>[238, 180, 34], "mediumorchid3"=>[180, 82, 205], "darkseagreen4"=>[105, 139, 105], "hotpink4"=>[139, 58, 98], "crimson"=>[220, 20, 60], "lightskyblue"=>[135, 206, 250], "goldenrod3"=>[205, 155, 29], "mediumorchid4"=>[122, 55, 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