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  • %s s (R1R R0R/R(R RRttagR tline((s7/home/kaligula/galaxy/tools/my_tools/jvenn/HTML/HTML.pyRis  N(RRRR RRR(((s7/home/kaligula/galaxy/tools/my_tools/jvenn/HTML/HTML.pyR.Os  cCsd||fS(Ns%s((Rturl((s7/home/kaligula/galaxy/tools/my_tools/jvenn/HTML/HTML.pytLink™scCsd||fS(Ns%s((RR6((s7/home/kaligula/galaxy/tools/my_tools/jvenn/HTML/HTML.pytlinkœscOstt||ŽƒS(sIreturn HTML code for a table as a string. See Table class for parameters.(RR#(targstkwargs((s7/home/kaligula/galaxy/tools/my_tools/jvenn/HTML/HTML.pyttableŸscOstt||ŽƒS(sGreturn HTML code for a list as a string. See List class for parameters.(RR.(R9R:((s7/home/kaligula/galaxy/tools/my_tools/jvenn/HTML/HTML.pytlist£st__main__s test.htmltwtAtBtCRtDtEtFtitjtks

    t-iOR$t2t3t4Rs100%R)tcol1tcol2R+Rs75%t5t6tnewRtredit7t8R tcenterRtSmithtJohnig@t CarpentertJacki/itJohnsontPauli>gš™™™™%@s Last names First nametAgetScores20%s10%RtlefttrightRRsfont-size: largesfont-size: smallsbackground-color:yellowccs1x*td|dƒD]}|||fVqWdS(sI Generator to create table rows for integers from 1 to n iN(trange(tntx((s7/home/kaligula/galaxy/tools/my_tools/jvenn/HTML/HTML.pytgen_table_squaresØsR*i Ras square(x)taaatbbbtcccN(RERFRG(R$RI(RLRM(Rs75%(Ras square(x)( Rt __version__t__date__t __author__R&tobjectRRR#R.R7R8R;R<RtopentfttR*tappendR,twriteRtt2t table_datatHTMLthtmlcodeRbtlR0R1tclose(((s7/home/kaligula/galaxy/tools/my_tools/jvenn/HTML/HTML.pyt srL=<sJ     %     )