RNA-seq hands-on set-up


During this hands-on, all computations will be done on a remote linux (ubuntu 18) server that was rented on the cloud (Amazon Web Services, AWS) specifically for this summer course.

This means you will have to be able to:

  1. connect/login to the remote server (to launch all computations there)

  2. edit files on the remote server from you laptop

The instructions below will allow you to do that and to configure your account on the server to run jobs properly.

1   Install the necesary tools on your laptop

1.1   On linux/macOSX

In order to edit remote files you have two possibilities:

1.2   On Windows

2   Connect to the remote server (aws) from your laptop

You will receive an e-mail shortly before the workshop with a key, username and IP address to login on a cloud server. Login like this:

2.1   On linux/macOSX

ssh -i path/to/key/key_[USERNAME].pem [USERNAME]@[AWS_IP]

2.2   On Windows

  1. Launch MobaXterm

  2. Go to session and then ssh

  3. enter the remote host (AWS_IP), the username and the key file

3   Allow remote server file editing from your laptop

3.1   On linux/macOSX

On your laptop, make an mnt/aws directory in your home where you the remote server file system will be mounted and make a symboli link to it in your home:

mkdir mnt
mkdir mnt/aws
ln -s mnt/aws

Enable mounting the remote server file system on your laptop by adding the following lines to your ~/.bashrc file:

alias maws='sshfs [USERNAME]@[AWS_IP]:/home/[AWS_IP] $HOME/mnt/aws -o IdentityFile=path/to/key/key_[USERNAME].pem,uid=1000,gid=1000,follow_symlinks,allow_other,workaround=rename'

If it does not work on your mac then type this on a terminal:

sshfs -o IdentityFile=path/to/key_[USERNAME].pem,defer_permissions,reconnect,ServerAliveInterval=15,ServerAliveCountMax=3 [USERNAME]@[AWS_IP]:/home/[USERNAME] $HOME/mnt/aws

You can also skip the above and use atom with the remote-edit-ni package (see Geert's page for more information or windows details provided below).

3.2   On Windows

Use Notepad++ with NppFTP plugin with the following details:

4   Configure your account on the remote server (to be done once only)

4.1   Add some aliases and paths to useful binaries and scripts

Add these lines at the end of your ~/.bashrc file:

alias ll='ls -lhrt'
alias c='~sdjebali/SIB_august2020/code/analysis.scripts/check_simple.sh'
export PATH=~sdjebali/SIB_august2020/code/analysis.scripts/:/usr/local/bin:~sdjebali/bin/:$PATH

4.2   Initiate conda

Once you have logged in for the first time on the remote server, initiate conda:

/opt/miniconda3/bin/conda init