Input data and parameters 

QualiMap command line

qualimap bamqc -bam SRR7062655_1.bam -c -nw 400 -hm 3 -sd


Command line: bwa mem -K 100000000 -R @RG\tID:1\tPU:1\tSM:SRR7062655\tLB:SRR7062655\tPL:illumina -t 10 -M Gallus_gallus.Gallus_gallus-5.0.dna.toplevel_chr25-26.fa SRR7062655_R1.fastq.gz SRR7062655_R2.fastq.gz
Draw chromosome limits: yes
Analyze overlapping paired-end reads: no
Program: bwa (0.7.17-r1188)
Analysis date: Mon Oct 25 12:08:07 UTC 2021
Size of a homopolymer: 3
Skip duplicate alignments: yes (only flagged)
Number of windows: 400
BAM file: SRR7062655_1.bam



No flagged duplicates are detected Make sure duplicate alignments are flagged in the BAM file or apply a different skip duplicates mode.


Reference size 8,220,070
Number of reads 1,921,198
Mapped reads 1,919,576 / 99.92%
Unmapped reads 1,622 / 0.08%
Mapped paired reads 1,919,576 / 99.92%
Mapped reads, first in pair 959,862 / 49.96%
Mapped reads, second in pair 959,714 / 49.95%
Mapped reads, both in pair 1,917,954 / 99.83%
Mapped reads, singletons 1,622 / 0.08%
Secondary alignments 721
Read min/max/mean length 30 / 90 / 90.02
Duplicated reads (flagged) 0 / 0%
Duplicated reads (estimated) 355,232 / 18.49%
Duplication rate 18.19%
Clipped reads 57,354 / 2.99%

ACGT Content

Number/percentage of A's 42,369,713 / 24.65%
Number/percentage of C's 43,733,442 / 25.44%
Number/percentage of T's 42,341,849 / 24.63%
Number/percentage of G's 43,409,886 / 25.26%
Number/percentage of N's 24,588 / 0.01%
GC Percentage 50.7%


Mean 20.9231
Standard Deviation 11.7618

Mapping Quality

Mean Mapping Quality 54.64

Insert size

Mean 624.12
Standard Deviation 14,551.18
P25/Median/P75 469 / 480 / 491

Mismatches and indels

General error rate 0.99%
Mismatches 1,624,211
Insertions 33,195
Mapped reads with at least one insertion 1.69%
Deletions 38,279
Mapped reads with at least one deletion 1.92%
Homopolymer indels 45.56%

Chromosome stats

Name Length Mapped bases Mean coverage Standard deviation
25 2906300 44481713 15.3053 13.4978
26 5313770 127507464 23.9957 9.3631

Coverage across reference 

Coverage Histogram 

Coverage Histogram (0-50X) 

Genome Fraction Coverage 

Duplication Rate Histogram 

Mapped Reads Nucleotide Content 

Mapped Reads GC-content Distribution 

Mapped Reads Clipping Profile 

Homopolymer Indels 

Mapping Quality Across Reference 

Mapping Quality Histogram 

Insert Size Across Reference 

Insert Size Histogram